Greetings fellow blogger, let’s talk today about creating the best possible blog. Okay, there are a ton of books on blogging, I know I have most of them here in my personal home library and I bought most of them long before e-books hit the scene. Isn’t it amazing the diversity of advice out there today? In fact, my views are very often different from others, as yours are obviously different from mine, and isn’t that really what blogging is all about?

Granted, there is so much content on blogs that it would be impossible to keep up with all the opinions. In fact, like you, I have certainly participated in the creation of all the content online today. Now, I really do think that what I have to say is valuable, as do you, otherwise, well, we wouldn’t write it, would we? And, maybe all differences of opinion are a good thing, since controversy tends to drive blog traffic.

Still, we all want the right kind of traffic, and so zeroing in on your ideal reader is also key for anyone interested in starting a blog or looking to see more traffic and more loyal followers. Now, we’ve all seen worthless blogs out there, and when we do we wonder; what the hell is that person thinking, or why is he even borrowing. Then there are the blogs that are simply AdSense blogs, and the reason for their existence is to trick web surfers into hoping that they will click on one of the ad links.

If that’s what you’re looking for, don’t bother finishing the rest of this article, just click on one of the ads in the sidebar. I am writing to tell you why you need to start thinking differently and truly strive for excellence. Using the Internet for what it was designed to do: share valuable information with the human race.

It’s perfectly fine to put ads on your blog, as long as you don’t overdo it, but your main mission really should be to develop your niche or niches, and deliver quality content to those who stumble upon your blog and decide to make their visits routine. even recommend you to their friends online.

Maybe the blogging industry needs more people talking about how to do it right. And with that, I’d like to conclude this article and wish you continued success in building a brilliant blog worthy of your intelligence, insight, and knowledge. Please consider this and think about it.

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