Search for animals

People stand with their eyes closed. A player is whispering in people’s ears what kind of animal it is. When the game starts, each person moves by making their animal noise and trying to find other players who are supposed to be the same animal as them.

Blind tunnel

A person runs as fast as possible with their eyes closed between two lines of people and is stopped at the end by two or three people who form a soft bumper. (this game requires a lot of confidence).


Blindfold a partner and guide them down the hall. Let them learn to trust you (which they will, unless you make them walk into things)! Then switch and be the blindfolded person.


Start by having two people face to face and one person in the middle. Push it back and forth (make sure the person’s hands stay by your side). Gradually widen the gap, so that they fall closer to the ground, and see how close to the ground you can get.

Alternative: have a single person fall backwards into the arms of another person.

Alternative: place the person ‘Pendulum’ in a circle of people who can push them (by the shoulders) in any direction.

Counting to 20

The object of the game is to count to 20 in a group without more than one person saying a number at a time. However, everyone should be sitting in a circle with their eyes closed, and the order of who says what number MUST be random. – much more difficult than it sounds!

Alternatives: Count back from 20 or say the alphabet. The most difficult version of this game would be to say the alphabet backwards!

Trust cars

The players, with a partner, face each other. The person in front should close their eyes and ‘trust’ the person behind, who has their hands on the shoulders of the person in front and “leads” them as they move forward together. Meanwhile, the leader is shouting commands like 1st gear (walk) 2nd gear (faster gear) 3rd gear (slow trot) and so on until 5th gear. To be difficult, the leader can call back at any time. The person in front trusts the person behind to lead them correctly while keeping their eyes closed; It can be very scary if you are the person in front!

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