When we look around us, we can see that many boomers lead healthy and active lives. They are aging with a vitality that our parents did not possess.

Boomers have redefined aging and retirement. They were the ones who redefined young adulthood and are doing it again as older adults. While some may find it necessary to have their needs met, they are not going to sit back and rock on the porch with their feet up.

Most take their well-being seriously and therefore tend to take care of their health by walking, playing golf, swimming, biking, and although they may be taking ballroom dance lessons instead of attending musical shows like Woodstock, they are active participants. in life. Most still have a sense of adventure as well, and while they may continue to take risks, they take caution more seriously than their younger counterparts.

Boomers who were incredibly independent in their youth continue to be self-reliant. Now they can garden, preserve, or do handicrafts. Or they can take yoga, do water exercises, or join a walking group. But staying fit and being mentally active is a top priority for most boomers. They are also the ones who promote the continuity of family traditions.

Most boomers are comfortable with a computer at least in terms of having an email address. And many have a cell phone. But there are also many who search the net, are active on Facebook and other social networking sites, and possess other tech-based paraphernalia like an iPod. And since many boomers are single, there are those who have tried online dating. Socially, their time is spent with close friends and family.

Statistically, this generation lives longer than their parents or grandparents. Some of the ways to stay healthy are:

– Do not smoke.
– Stay active while maintaining your strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular skills.
– Eat a balanced diet.
– Control your weight by eating properly and exercising.
– Get regular exams. Women should have regular mammograms and Pap tests, and men should be screened for prostate cancer. Other tests may include things like a regular colonoscopy, regular blood pressure checks, and blood tests to check cholesterol levels.
– Protect yourself from the sun by using sunscreen.
– Get regular dental and hearing checkups.
– Stay interested by continually learning something new – keep challenging yourself.
– Get a pet (even if it’s just a fish). They won’t exactly give you unconditional love, but they are interesting and much easier to drop off when you travel (and there are no kennel fees).
– Travel as often as you can.
– Get out among the people and enjoy what life has to offer.
– Join a book club, a hiking group, or an environmental group, whatever interests you.

There’s a Todd Hunter song that says, ‘Life is good, life is great, life asks you to participate.’ That’s the best we can do to make sure that, as boomers, we stay healthy and active. Get out and live; do not vegetate.

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