Microblogs, such as those carried out on Twitter, have revolutionized business communication and marketing. For the business marketer using Twitter, the task can be time consuming. Time is spent searching for followers of the trading account. Fortunately, a program called Twollo, which is an Internet-based tool that investigates the interests of other users and automatically starts following them because of their interests. This allows the company to spend less time researching and more time to focus on other important activities.

This free program allows the user to control who follows their account. Users can pause, modify, and delete interests specified by certain key terms. For those who do not find success through this program, deleting the account is easy.

Currently, there are more than 10,000 users who use this program to follow Twitter users, and due to the support of the OAuth implementation that uses Twitter, the program keeps the business account secure. It is also compatible with PayPal, Google Checkout and claims to be able to increase the number of followers.

Using Twollo is quite simple. The individual logs into their account with their Twitter login information, enters keywords that are relevant to the target audience, and declares how many followers are searched. Specifying the number of followers is optional but ideal because Twitter can block accounts with massive followers. Once all the relevant information is added, the program adds followers with relevant interests for the entered keywords.

As for how Twitter users with the right interests are positioned, conversations between Twitter users are tracked. It is also possible to specify that the program follows between 10 and 50 people each day. This number can prevent red flags from appearing that could lead to Twitter blocking the account.

And just as there are many positives, there must be a negative. The downside is that spammers can be followed. Observing your Tweets is the only way to truly delete them. Then they must be removed manually. It may be ideal to evaluate them when you receive the email notification that there is a new follower. One way to evaluate them is to see how many they follow versus how many followers they have. Too far in one direction can be a red flag.

It is also important to note that Twollo, although automated, will not work 100% on its own. The company needs to participate in the Twitter community; otherwise, followers forget who they follow.

Overall, Twollo is a useful tool that can help you get more followers on Twitter. However, those who use it must be active in the community and also operate multiple Twollo campaigns to receive the desired results. When the results are received, a new kind of marketing success has been achieved.

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