You can say a lot without saying a word. Some research even suggests that more than 80% of what we communicate is non-verbal. Understanding some of the key elements of basic body language can help you date more successfully. Being more aware of the body language you’re emitting can help you not only flirt, but also attract the right person by sending the right signals. Learning to interpret these unconscious indicators can take some of the guesswork out of dating and help determine if the feelings are mutual.

The first thing to remember when studying body language is to look for groups. Never make an assumption based on an element of what you interpret someone’s body to be speaking about. His arms may be crossed because he is actually cold.

We all know that maintaining eye contact is a good thing, but while you’re at it there’s one thing you need to pay attention to: her pupils. A good sign that someone is really interested in you is an increase in the size of the pupils. The eyes cannot lie. I have yet to master the ability to regulate my pupil size and that’s probably a good thing!

Look at where you are “pointing”. When you point your feet, toes, shoulders, and even hips at the other person, it means you are interested in who they are and what they have to say. This is giving them the green light to move on. If you see someone in a social setting and they’re pointing at you, it means you can get close, especially when you do it after you’ve exchanged eye contact for 3-4 seconds.

Grooming behaviors, such as a woman fixing her hair or a man brushing lint off his shirt, are also green lights. It’s part of human nature to want to look our best when we’re with someone we’re attracted to.

Modeling or mirroring the behavior is another good sign that he shows interest. When you catch someone following your positive body language, it’s definitely a plus. Try this at work or in a social setting first to get a good idea. If you put your hand on the table, wait 3-4 seconds and put your hand on the table. Keep mirroring the placement of the hands and they will keep talking to you.

There are so many things you can learn about body language and the messages we are conveying. Take the time to educate yourself and see what a difference it can make to your confidence, dating, and relationships.

Most importantly, remember to smile. We are all much more attractive when we smile!

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