A website cannot rank well in search engines unless it has been crawled and indexed by search engines properly. A proper way means that the search engine crawler can access all the pages of the website. In other words, the traceability of the website can be termed as a good and efficient navigation structure of the website.

There are two important factors that must be taken into account to improve the indexing or indexing of a website:

1. The navigation has real hyperlinks.

2. Deep link distance from home page

Navigation links

All websites have a navigation structure that allows users to navigate the website. The question is, if the navigation is efficient and correctly linked and these links are a standard hyperlink? Standard hyperlinks are text or image links with all the SEO ingredients, ALT text, link title tag, etc.

Non-standard or poor navigation links are those that are embedded in links generated in Flash or JavaScript. Although, there is nothing wrong with these links, but not all search engine crawlers can choose JavaScript generated hyperlinks or links within flash.

There are very few search engine crawlers that can pick these links. Google is one of them, but it is not clear if Google places any value on such links. The point here is that Google’s Page Rank factor is primarily based on links pointing to a page and you cannot ignore a single link.

The navigation structure must be created with care, since all the pages of a website must be linked to each other. It does not mean that all pages should point to all pages on the website, but it is recommended that all pages point to the most important pages.

Deep link distance

The home page of a website is the first page a user will visit. Not only a user, but also search engine spiders will crawl you first and choose the links that are placed on the home page.

Ideally; a user will click on no more than twice to check your services or products. The more clicks it takes to get to a page, the lower the chance of exposure. Similarly, there is less chance of a search engine crawler indexing deep links if they are too far from the home page.

Using the site map

It is not recommended to clutter up the home page with many links and to avoid this, sitemaps are used. Site maps have become an important part of a website. Placing them at a single click distance from the home page allows search engine crawlers to choose a sitemap, and since a sitemap contains all the links on a website, the crawler can index the entire website easily.

Although using the sitemap to crawl your website may be a good idea, the most effective way is to properly structure your website navigation.

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