“Ntvdm.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.”

You may have seen error messages like the one above when you start your computer or open applications. Indicates that the ntvdm.exe file is missing or corrupted.

We strongly recommend that you run a quick exe error scan on your PC to check for exe errors.

What is Ntvdm.exe?

Ntvdm.exe is a 16-bit Windows virtual machine related process. It is associated with machines that use the Windows NT operating system. Any Windows NT operating system has ntvdm.exe to help you run a 16-bit program. And when you no longer need to use the program, the ntvdm.exe file will remain in your computer’s memory.

What does Exe do?

Exe is short for executable. You can see all files with the exe extension on your computer. They are generally responsible for running programs and storing data according to the requirements of the Windows operating system. The error message tells you that you cannot run a certain program or application. When the program or application is unresponsive, there may be something wrong with your computer’s registry or the file may be infected by viruses, spyware, or Trojan horses. There are also cases where your PC’s hard drive is not working properly. Or the system gets affected due to some corrupted drivers that are out of date.

How to Fix Ntvdm.exe Errors?

After you have known the cause and consequence of the error associated with ntvmd.exe, you should learn how to fix the related problems yourself. You should know that your computer is reporting the error to indicate a corrupted registry or an infection. Therefore, you should fix the ntvdm.exe error immediately.

Modification of the TEMP and TEP environment settings:

1. Go to Statistics> Run

2. Type “command.com”> press Enter.

3. Check the ntvdm.exe directory (probably C: Documents and Settings Administrator Local Settings Temp)

4. Open My Computer> Properties> Advanced> Environment Variables> Set TEMP and TMP.

5. Modify the configuration to C: temp, or the file name

To ensure the safety and efficiency of your PC, get our EXErrorsFix to fix Ntvmd.exe errors in minutes.

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