The statement, “If you can do it once, you can do it twice if you did it on purpose” is used with some frequency in this series of articles on social media marketing on the Internet, as well as in all marketing literature in a different way. other. I have been asked to write an article dedicated to what my own thinking is behind that statement. I hadn’t thought about writing this article on my own because I’ve been saying it as a coach for a long time and it’s so basically fundamental (in my mind) that I forgot how important it is to really understand this concept. In my opinion, this counts as one of the fundamental keys to the success of Internet marketing.

Starting at the end of the statement, “… if you did it on purpose.” It means you had a desired result and some kind of action plan to achieve that result. It wasn’t a shot in the dark. You did what you did with intention and purpose. This is a critical point and that is why I say it at the end of the statement where you are most likely to remember it. It is possible to achieve something you want by swinging wildly. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to do it again efficiently or consistently. For example, if you’ve never played golf before, you have no idea what you’re doing, although you probably know that the ball goes into that tiny hole over there. You take what you consider to be a decent swing at the ball (although any good golfer around you sees it for what it is … a wild swing at the ball). Fly down the street and what do you know? It goes right into that little hole over there … one hole in one! Now … do it again. Yes. Right. That just isn’t going to happen. You have no idea how you did it in the first place and it is almost impossible to do it even for professionals. Sure, theoretically you did it once, so you could certainly do it again. It wouldn’t defy any laws of physics for it to happen. But you can’t make it happen when you want … or even get close. Until you understand what you need to do to achieve your desired result in concrete terms, you cannot learn to repeat it consistently enough for sustainable results.

So now you have a plan to execute and understand why you need it to reach your goal … which is probably to make a lot of money. In this discussion, it makes sense to start referring to marketing rather than golf. It’s time to address the beginning of the statement, “If you can do it once …”. Execute your strategy to attract a visitor to your website. It does not work. Now what? Since you know exactly what you did that did not achieve your desired result, you can make an adjustment to that strategy. Only one. That is important. If you make multiple adjustments to your strategy at the same time, you will have no idea what led to your success (and that, after all, is the important information you are looking for here). With everything you are doing concretely understood by you and with the results concretely measured, you can repeat this plan, execute, measure and adjust the cycle until you find an execution plan that appeals to your visitor. Now you know exactly how you got that visitor. You probably also know of some execution plans that are not working. Both data are very valuable to you!

We are now at the second component of that original statement, “… you can do it twice …”. If your thought processes, execution plan, and measurement methods are working rationally, now you know how to get not just that visitor. You also know how to get a visitor back … aka twice. By extension, now you also know how to get your third visitor … and your fourth … and your hundredth … thousandth … You have a concrete and consciously executable strategy that will get you a visit. Now you can get a visitor again whenever you want by simply running your known plan again. You have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to build your business … on purpose.

Also, since you know all the steps to get a visitor, you can now also work to improve, be faster and more efficient at what you are doing and accelerate your visitor rate compared to your effort. Also, since none of your steps is a mystery to you, you will eventually think of ways to improve and automate your steps for increasing effectiveness.

Will you ever get to the point where you have thousands of visitors if you don’t know exactly how you get the first one? And, if you don’t know how to repeat what you did, will you know how to get the second one? The third? Four? No! While it is remotely possible, you will be lucky if you make sudden changes in the internet marketing universe, you will never be able to see your business, decide to grow it, and then make it happen … on purpose.

That first statement has now been divided into its three parts and the reason why each part is there has been explained. Following this paragraph is a mantra for you that is a logical extension of what this article is about. Once you have a set of actions that you know to be effective, you’ll want to take it to the next level of effectiveness by understanding and implementing exactly how:

Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat …

If you can do it once, you can do it twice, as long as you did it on purpose.

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