When we think of leaders, we think of the people who are at the front of the line who are in charge, know what they are doing and inspire others to follow, but Matt Jenkins knows more about that, as he explains in his new book: Becoming a great leader. Being a leader isn’t just about being in the spotlight. It really is about serving others. If you are not a leader who has the best interests of your followers in mind, no one will follow you for long. Leadership is also one of the greatest aspirations a person can have, not out of desire for fame, fortune, or power, but simply because a true leader is someone who is esteemed by others, someone who has the necessary attributes not only to be a great Leader. but also a great person.

Therefore, we should all aspire to become great leaders, and Matt Jenkins, author, entrepreneur, military officer, and leadership coach shows us how. In the introduction, he promises: “In this book, you will see how to practice attributes that will provide a path for you to go from being a follower who runs with the crowd, to being the great leader you have always wanted.” be. He goes on to explain that, “You will see why trusting others, becoming self-taught, controlling your temper, and being charitable will help you on the path of becoming a great leader.”

As the book progresses, Matt guides us through the various attributes that make a great leader and, best of all, encourages non-leader readers to start where they are. We can all cultivate the attributes of leadership before we even start leading someone. Ways to cultivate such attributes include such simple and decent things as tipping those who serve us, caring for our family, driving responsibly, and voting. As Jesus himself said, those who can be trusted with little things will be given big things. So, as Matt clarifies here, if you cultivate these simplistic attributes, you will become a leader and take on the responsibilities that come with being one.

Of course, being a leader gets more complicated as the book progresses. One of the next big lessons is how people will like you. You do this by having a genuine interest in achieving people’s lives, interests, goals, and families. Matt states: “When I work with people, I seek to bring out their best qualities and that shows their best efforts, which is the best for everyone. It is very easy to overlook the delicate and fragile nature of the circumstances in which the Most of the people work. The people you lead are stressed, living with job insecurity, poor physical condition and health problems; they may be dealing with a divorce, medical problems, trying to save money, raising their families or struggling under the weight debt. As a great leader, you must be part of the solution for them. You must be an advocate for their success, not an obstacle. “

This is where you become a true leader, providing answers to problems, which will make people follow you. Successive chapters build on this idea and show how to be a leader, especially in an organization, but also in everyday life. Just a few of the 25 chapter titles include: How to Become Self-Confident, Become Self-Disciplinary, Become Self-Taught, Choose Your Words Carefully, Find Your Role, Calibrate Your Equipment, and Know How to Create Change.

Throughout each chapter, Matt draws on personal stories and metaphors to illustrate his point. For example, in Chapter 13: Finding Your Role, he talks about the three leadership roles and compares being a leader to running a three-ring circus. He uses this metaphor of the circus because being a leader is equivalent to simultaneously being a master of ceremonies, a lion tamer, and a tightrope walker. He then explains the similarities between each role and being a leader, and concludes that you can run a three-ring circus if “you know what role to play and why it is important.”

Remember, not all situations allow you to play the role you are most comfortable with, but you can be successful in any of the three-ring circus roles when you recognize what role the situation calls for, and you have the courage and ability to perform. as a leader in that role. Practice the attributes of each of these roles and you’ll be ready when the circus comes to town. “

In addition to the main content, each chapter of Becoming a Great Leader begins with and is often based on an inspirational quote. For example, Chapter 8: Controlling Your Temper begins with a quote from General Norman Schwarzkopf: “I get angry at a principle, not a person.” Each chapter also has helpful activities that allow the reader to reflect on what has been learned in the chapter and how it can be applied to their personal life to cultivate leadership qualities.

As I said at the beginning, I believe that everyone, regardless of position in life, should aspire to become a great leader. Matt Jenkins does a great job of showing us how. I would especially recommend this book to anyone entering the workplace for the first time or anyone graduating from college and starting a new career, as well as anyone currently dissatisfied with life who wants more success along with more happiness and not fear responsibility to be a role model for others by leading people. Everyone has the potential to become a great leader in their own area of ​​expertise; now this book provides the tools to realize that potential.

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