The word “invincible” is an adjective meaning “too powerful to be defeated or defeated.” People who are mentally invincible are those rare birds who simply never fail to pull it off, regardless of the odds or obstacles thrown their way.

You may know some people who have this unique power. They are business executives, entrepreneurs and parents. Wherever they go, people gravitate towards them and want to be like them. They make it look easy. But really, all they have done is master a few simple concepts and follow them every day.

I have the pleasure of working and sharing friendships with several people who fit the description of being mentally invincible. When you set your mind on achieving something big or small, that’s when the magic happens. It really is an amazing power, and I think a lot of us would love to master it. Including me.

So, I sat down and made a list of the things that these people do every day that make them so extraordinary and special. Here are the 11 things I could think of that mentally invincible people do every day:

1. They always have a plan:

Whether it’s written on paper, on the computer, or in their heads, these people know exactly what they’ll be doing every minute of every day. They recognize and appreciate the gift of time, and think about using every available second to their advantage.

2. They do the job:

Regardless of the task, they will see it through to completion. Nothing is ever left undone or incomplete. They are simply not able to live with themselves until the task is completed.

3. They do not make excuses:

Apologies simply do not exist for these people. They take responsibility for everything that happens in their life. If something doesn’t go as planned, they focus on what they could have done differently to achieve a positive outcome instead of playing the blame game.

4. They don’t give up:

This is perhaps the most prolific quality within this group: the ability to persist despite obstacles, no matter how long it takes.

5. They schedule time for themselves:

The busier these people are, the more persistent they are in scheduling their time. They recognize the importance of taking time for themselves every day, whether it’s working out at the gym, meditating, reading for pleasure, socializing with friends, or doing their hair. Taking time for them every day is a priority.

6. They don’t waste time:

For the mentally invincible, wasting time is a sin and should be avoided at all costs. It means avoiding anything and everything that is a “time sucker.” This relates not only to people and circumstances, but also to moods. For example, I once asked a client of mine if he ever felt down or depressed. He said depression was a waste of mental energy, so why let it take up space in your head? Good. It seems quite simple.

7. They know how to say “NO”:

You know how when someone who isn’t a friend or family member asks if you can help them with something and you don’t have time but you say yes anyway? Yeah, these people don’t do that. They protect their time like gold bullion, reserving it for family and close friends. So don’t ask them to man your lemonade stand.

8. They don’t worry about things they can’t control:

I think this is one of the main reasons these people don’t let themselves get depressed. Things that are out of your control don’t even register on your radar. For example, what others think of them, they do not care. They have no control over what others think, so why worry about it? As long as they’re true to their values, that’s all that matters.

9. Family is the number 1 priority in their lives:

They draw strength from their family. My first impression of the mentally invincible is that they were islands in a vast ocean. Could not be farther from the truth. Not only do they depend on the love of their family, but they are passionate about preserving the integrity of the family unit and are always working to strengthen it.

10. They accept failure:

It’s a cliché to say that we learn from failure, but for the mentally invincible, failure is elevated to an art form. They get their power from failure. Failure is the fuel that keeps them going with ever more power and momentum. The more failures they encounter, the stronger they become.

11. They turn anger and frustration into positive energy:

For many, the emotions of anger and frustration have the ability to derail them and lead to seriously wrong decisions. Think about how your judgment is distorted when you’re angry or frustrated, and how actions taken in the heat of the moment could be life-altering. The mentally invincible do the opposite. They gain clarity and purpose out of anger and frustration. It sharpens their focus and allows them to pursue a challenge with renewed energy and purpose.

There are more things, but these are the ones that are most obvious to me. If you ever get the chance to spend time with such a person, embrace them. Get as much as you can from the experience and learn from it. The richness of your life can be greatly enhanced when you are too powerful to be defeated or defeated.

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