Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and many couples like to take advantage of the season to engage in additional sexual engagement. If a man has been practicing good penis health, there’s no reason he can’t count on having an actively happy penis on vacation. But the following sex tips can help pave the way for that special Turkey Day sex.

Sexual tips to keep in mind

– Don’t get too crowded. Sure, Thanksgiving is about thanking and seeing family, but it’s all about a massive dinner party. If a man and his partner want to make a special sexual filler on their own, they must make sure that they do not overdose on all the food on the table. Eating too much can make sex more difficult and can even reduce sex drive. With that in mind, the partner with whom you intend to enjoy a special sex after dinner will have to work hard to exercise a little discipline. Smaller servings may be required, or just taking a small bite of those items that really fill a man up.

Or maybe make sex the appetizer. Of course, some people just can’t summon enough willpower to withstand seconds (or thirds) of turkey and dressing and all those other goodies on the table. Couples who know this about themselves may want to plan to have sex before dinner. This may take some planning, of course, especially if one or both are involved in the kitchen and / or are hosting the dinner. For those people, scheduling some sex as soon as they wake up may be the best option.

– Consider different positions. Okay, let’s say a couple thought they could avoid overeating, but found out they were wrong. The missionary position may not be your best option on a full stomach. Exploring alternate positions can be just the ticket. For the very full, simply laying next to each other and jerking off each other may be the best option. Or oral sex could be good, if both of you can put up with one more thing in your mouth. For those interested in real penetrative intercourse, a good bet is for the woman to lie on her back on the edge of the bed, with her legs dangling down and touching the floor. The man can kneel (on pillows if height is needed) so that his soon-to-be-happy penis is level with the vagina and his back is up. In this position, neither distended stomach comes into contact with the other.

– Get thematic. Make sexual vacations specific. Break the fuse and the winner can choose what type of sexual activity the couple will participate in. Bring the leftovers to bed and enjoy licking the cranberry sauce or sauce off your partner’s private parts. After properly sterilizing it, explore other possible uses for a turkey baster. Dress up like the participants of the first Thanksgiving Day and discover the fun that can be had with the feathers of a Native American headdress or a pilgrim’s leather belt. Or each partner can simply take advantage of the vacation to communicate why they are grateful to be together with their partner and how much each means to the other.

These sex tips can help you have a happy penis on Thanksgiving. He will be even happier if a guy is a regular user of a first-class penis health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for the skin). The best cream will include vitamin A among its ingredients, and that will make both the boy and his partner happy. Why? Because the antibacterial properties of vitamin A help to eliminate persistent odor from the penis. A man should also be grateful for a cream that includes vitamin D3, the so-called “miracle vitamin.” In addition to fighting disease, this vitamin also supports healthy penile cell function.

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