You may be wondering how you can give a gift that will impact the special young man in your life. I am here to tell you that it is easier than you think. Teen entrepreneurs get tremendous satisfaction when they are recognized for their accomplishments and when they reach their goals (regardless of size). When it comes to choosing the perfect gift for the budding entrepreneur in your life, it’s not about consumables, but about investing in productive gifts that help them grow themselves and their business. Teens are often afraid to ask for these types of gifts because they are not sure if they will take them seriously, so here are some gift suggestions, all for under $ 100, that will definitely state that you fully believe in their business search:

1. A newspaper subscription from your local trade magazine: Business Journals are offered in major cities across the US and provide a variety of resources, such as new business openings, trade events, and recent contract awards. The Journals also recognizes business leaders in the community and writes about how these business leaders achieved success. Business Journals also publish a list of the best companies in various industries in your city. These resources provide your emerging teen entrepreneur with valuable and expensive background information, such as income and number of employees served, that they can use when preparing to market their services.

2. A handheld pocket video camera: Portable point-and-shoot video cameras are great for creating promotional videos and filming live interviews on the go or at networking events. This is a great marketing tool, especially for teens who are outgoing and are more likely to talk than blog. Today’s point-and-shoot video cameras are generally powered by 2 AA batteries, easy to operate, and make it easy to upload videos directly to major online video sharing sites. Short, smart videos are powerful tools for marketing your product and keeping prospective customers’ attention.

3. A ‘student’ membership of the local chamber of commerce: Membership of the Chamber can provide an incredible amount of exposure to community leaders and business professionals in all types of industries and businesses of all sizes. Additionally, networking opportunities are invaluable and they can leverage face-to-face networking skills and increase business opportunities and partnerships.

Four. A gift card for your favorite bookstore: Teen entrepreneurs love to read motivational stories about self-made millionaires and success stories about people who have overcome challenges and are living the lifestyle of their dreams. Therefore, giving your child a gift card to his favorite bookstore will allow him to choose his favorite business books or magazines.

5. Website hosting and domain renewal for 1 year: Having a web presence or online blog is important to today’s tech-savvy young teen entrepreneurs, yet it typically takes most of the money out of starting your business. Free websites don’t always give you the flexibility to add some of your own bells and whistles. Therefore, buying or renewing the domain name registration is an amazing gift along with the hosting service for 1 year.

6. A gift certificate for business card design and printing: Creating a business card logo on your own using a free web-based program is great. But having a professional designer who creates what you are thinking is even better. Plus, it’s one of those first boosters that bring satisfaction to young people – seeing their unique idea and creation really come to life.

7. Custom request: Ask them what they need! While teens may be afraid to order business-related products as gifts, if you ask them specifically what they need for their business, they are not likely to decline your order.

Any one or a combination of the gifts listed above is sure to provide a reasonably priced gift that is timely and timeless and will definitely increase your ROE (return on engagement) with that special teenager in your life.

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