That’s how it is! In case you’re not reading or watching the news, Colorado was officially one of the nation’s hottest cities in America last year. More than 100,000 people moved to Colorado, making us the #2 state in the country for inbound migration. (Wow, what was number one?)

Denver benefited (or suffered depending on your point of view) better than anyone in the 24-36 category. More young people move to Denver than to any other city in the United States. We wonder why?

Reason #1 Marijuana tourists.

The only thing worse than tourists is a HIGH tourist. Now they wander around looking for something sweet to eat and something cold to drink. And you thought microbreweries were popular? Check out South Broadway anytime.

Reason #2 Exercise.

Denver consistently ranks as one of the “fittest” cities in the country. If you move here, you’ll have to work out AND do yoga at Red Rocks on Sundays. Really.

Reason #3 There is no more gold.

All the gold has been had! That’s right, all Weather Channel Prospecting reality shows are fake. No one is discovering pockets of half a million dollars that are not empty. I mean, come on, what did you really think?

Reason #4 Failure to bake.

The high altitude makes baking Grandma’s apple pie virtually impossible. After many failed attempts, most bakers give up.

Reason #5 Rocky Mountain Oysters.

There are few places as close to eating testicles as Denver. Fried beef dumplings are served at many local restaurants, and even at Coors Field.

Do you want things to do? Just grab the Denver Post, Westword magazine, 5280 magazine, or any other media source and you’ll find literally dozens of things to see and do on any given day. Don’t you believe us? Order your postal mail magazine and find out.

Reason #6 You will have to buy a bicycle.

Denver has more than 850 miles of paved and off-road bike trails. That means you can travel a long way from home before your calves cramp up and you have to call someone for a ride.

Beautiful views – from City Park to Colorado’s Front Range. You want to live here?

Reason #7 Denver’s 300 days of sunshine is a lie.

Denver enjoys clear skies for the most part, and much more so than other modern cities like New York, Seattle, and San Francisco. However, it does not have the 300 days of sunshine that most people presume. According to Denver Westword, the city actually enjoys about 115 clear days, 130 partly cloudy days, and 120 cloudy days. That’s still a lot of vitamin D, but it makes you wonder what else Denver is lying about.

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