How many times have you started reading a book with all the good intentions of completing it on time, only to find that you marked a page and forgot to return to the book for weeks or sometimes months? It’s time to rededicate yourself to completing a book or two as we celebrate National Book Blitz Month in January.

Here are 7 simple tips to get into the rhythm of the celebration:

1. Set a book reading goal for how many books you want to read this month. If you’re only trying to read one, take the number of pages in the book, divide it by the number of days in the month, and then commit to reading at least that number of pages per day. If you can read more than the designated number of pages, the faster you will finish the book.

2. Start a personal library. Start by collecting books that you love to read. Gradually add reference books and other genres to add versatility to your reading routine. Library book sales and garage sales are some good places to find inexpensive books to add to your collection.

3. Check with writers’ groups, book clubs, or publishers’ recommended reading lists to find books you’re interested in reading and adding to your collection.

4. Get a reading accountability buddy to help you keep up with your set reading goals. You will reciprocate by doing the same for them. Having a buddy will help you stay engaged and hold you accountable to your reading goals.

5. Exchanging books is another great idea to help save money on buying so many. If you have friends or family who like to read, you can trade a book or two with them.

6. Attend area book and poetry readings during the month. Mingle with other attendees and the author at these events.

7. Take advantage of the best format in which you enjoy reading books. Whether it’s an ebook, on your Kindle, iPad, an audiobook, or in traditional paperback and hardcover versions, enjoy the format you prefer.

The novelty of the new year is such a refreshing time to embrace the essence of books and learn more about their authors. National Book Blitz Month is a perfect time to get started and commit to the beauty of reading.

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