The city of Longview, Texas, is located along Interstate 20, just over a hundred miles east of Dallas. It’s a city of about 70,000 people, and lately many of them have been talking about what’s going on at a local business called Don’s Fly Thru Beer Barn.

You see, Don had a problem. His business requires people to sit in their car and drive through a long, garage-like building where customers can buy beer without getting out of their car. But when the traffic slowed down a bit, people got impatient and left, not buying Don’s beer.

Don must have sat down and thought about what he learned at Disney World. Now those people have a system. If you’ve been there, you know that the stagnant lines for rides and other attractions are made more bearable thanks to television monitors with things to see, and even cartoonists and other acts that distract people in the crowd while they are in line. Disney rule: If you entertain the people in line, they are not so irritable about how long it is taking them.

So Don put in a jacuzzi. A very nice one, from the look of the photos. Then he got some girls in the tub so now the people waiting in line would have someone to talk to. Or at least mind you, if they were shy about that kind of thing.

Now this is strictly a G-rated hot tub, there are no naked women, just very attractive women in swimsuits, straw hats, and big, friendly smiles. The ladies are known as “Don’s Darlings” and they are causing a stir in the city, as well as improving Don’s business. He says the hot tub trick is making him a lot of money.

A local TV station even posted a video feature on Fly Thru Beer Barn and of course the local newspaper is happy to provide some images.

If you’re interested in seeing Don’s new marketing idea in action, we have links to the hot tub video and images on our website.

Don Talley is the very creative owner of Beer Barn. She says that most of the women are single mothers and she is helping them by offering them honest work. An ad in a local newspaper said it was offering health benefits and even cosmetic surgery. They work eight hours a day, and Don seems to have no trouble finding women who are willing to fill the bathtub. And no wonder, how many jobs can you find where you get paid to sit all day in a hot tub in the sun, tanning and flirting with men?

It turns out that sex sells, or at least keeps male customers long enough to buy beer. But this is not a hot tub, no one is naked and is considered quite harmless by most people in the area. You will probably see more skin in a pool.

Always an entrepreneur, Don says that sometimes his Fly Thru Beer Barn clients get a gift too: once a week he gives the women a day off and tends to the bathtub with handsome men.

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