In case you missed it, craft beer is quite popular. Well-known brands that have been around for a while, while still worthy drinks, are taking a bit of a backseat to more independent brewers whose goal is to go back to a more cultivated flavor. Small batches, high-quality ingredients, and working through a recipe until it’s perfect are all the rage.

Some have jumped on the craft beer train, but others are a bit hesitant simply because they’re not sure they’re ready to dive into the deep draft of beer. Where do I find these new beers? Are there brewers nearby? Can I pay for a craft beer? While it may seem silly to some to be so insecure about something as “common man” as beer, it is important to understand that for many, the beer they choose has been established for decades and may even have an emotional connection.

However, if you’re ready to try something new and exciting, here’s a basic approach to understanding and getting comfortable with craft beer:

Have a heart to heart with your taste buds – If you like beer, you have a pretty good idea of ​​what you enjoy. Temperature, bitterness, sweetness, various floral notes – you have a solid base from which to build. Knowing what you like allows you to find a craft drink that is on par.

Keep it local – Many small craft brewers try to establish themselves in smaller towns in the hope of cultivating their own roots, but also helping the local economy thrive. Many times, new restaurants and local watering holes will offer “just down the street” craft beers.

Shop till you drop – There are supermarkets for the person who has to buy food, lawn supplies and motor oil at the same time. Fortunately, there is the same kind of diverse shopping environment for those who enjoy beer, wine, and other spirits. It can be overwhelming to see so many options before you, but talk to the employees and see where they can guide you. You may find that a great beer awaits you.

Documentation will set you free Sure, it sounds a bit ridiculous, but keeping written records (or digital notes) of the types of beer you taste will help you stay organized. Make sure you notice the flavors you like and don’t like, and remember to keep the beer brand in mind. Nothing is worse than an incomplete record of something you enjoyed and can’t quite remember.

Craft beer, despite all the hype and fad that surrounds it, is a return to the basics of beer and brewing. Additionally, small brewers are using ancient methods and recipes, along with some exotic ingredients, to find a balance that satisfies. Be bold and experimental, and you just might find a new ice cold drink to call your own.

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