ADHD is commonly known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This occurs mainly in children who go to school with their behavior or problems at school and their parents are advised to have their children tested and diagnosed.

This ADHD checklist includes testing children if they are not responding to the symptoms of the ADHD problem, as this now means that they have to collect information about the child from the last six months.

The ADHD checklist includes the symptoms of inattention in your school activities, such as carelessness when finishing homework, mistakes in your homework, inattention during classes, difficulty listening, feeling difficulty speaking, directly to respected people, does not follow instructions, forgets everything related to housework and daily activities, gets bored in sports activities, forgets daily schedule, loses things he wanted for school, pays less attention and suddenly gets distracted by other related things.

The ADHD checklist also includes the symptoms of hyperactivity showing increased enthusiasm, abnormally emotional reactions and behaviors, leaving classrooms where their presence is needed, having fights with peers, having difficulty playing quietly, being overly emotional, and They will talk more than usual. They are usually known as abnormal children and have the symptoms of impulsiveness, such as answering before the question is completely finished, finding it difficult to wait for someone or becoming anxious or depressed, and entering another person’s conversation without permission or wanted. The symptoms of all of them are adapted from the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for ADHD.

There are also symptoms of learning disabilities and they also get angry because of the learning related problems and the little scolding from their parents and teachers which leads to great anxiety. They also have high-level negative thoughts, anger, and show poor long-term results according to their school activities, failure and antisocial behavior, and friend activities. Diagnosis of this ADHD includes testing of children’s activities, behaviors, and information of the child from before six months. Pediatric testing includes the child’s medical history, mental health, and child development. They present signs of seizures, anxiety, depression or behavioral problems and in some cases the diagnoses take too long because they include the written test and face-to-face oral tests and also psychological and neurological tests.

This ADHD continues for some children after the age of seven and lasts into adolescence and their symptoms continue until the time they recover. This is due to genetic factors, premature birth, lead poisoning, brain and spinal cord infections and mainly cases of drug addiction, alcohol when the baby is in the womb. ADHD checklist includes treatment therapies such as behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, social skills training, parent education and support, medications that are provided to treat such as stimulants as this causes some side effects in children such as appetite, headaches, weight loss and stomach aches.

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