Treasure Island, Florida is a wonderful place to see some of the most magnificent wildlife in the country. Birdwatching or birdwatching is a very popular attraction for many people due to the variety of species that call these shores home. In fact, the area can serve as a good place to watch birds that may not be native to the area. The migration patterns of many birds run through this region. There are some beautiful shorebirds to be seen along this stretch of coastline and it is recommended that every bird watcher take some time to enjoy these species.

There is also a collective effort in the community to make sure these birds last for future generations, so always make sure you take care and never disturb the natural habitats of these creatures. Many of Florida’s species are on the verge of danger and people should always make sure to enjoy the wildlife, while making sure to preserve the natural order.

Laughing Gull – During a trip to Treasure Island, you will certainly see many seagulls. These birds are everywhere and will go to great lengths to acquire some of the lunch you’ve brought to the beach, so be careful. If you plan to feed the seagulls, be sure to do so away from other beachgoers because these birds will congregate around you and may disturb other beach guests.

Willet/Wagtail – The Willet is another very common species that can be found along the shores of Treasure Island. This bird is part of the Sandpiper family and can easily be seen combing the beach for food. The Willet’s population declined in the early 20th century due to hunting, but has increased since then. While the population is steadily increasing, Willet is still considered to be at risk.

black skimmer – These birds are a beautiful sight and can be seen flying low over the waters and skimming the bottom of their bills into the water to catch food, hence their name. The Black Skimmer has a black back with a white underside and is very distinctive with its bright orange bill that has a black front edge.

terns- There are 3 varieties of Tern that can be found around Treasure Island. Tea royal tern it is an orange-billed variety and can only be found near salt water. The Royal Tern is found around Treasure Island in the winter months and does not breed in the area. Tea Gull-billed Tern it is also found along this stretch of coastal waters. These terns have a black beak and resemble seagulls, hence the name. This tern breeds in this area and can be found here in the summer months. Last but not least, there is the least tern it is the smallest of the American tern varieties. These terns also breed in the area and can be found during the summer months.

american oystercatcher – These birds breed in the area and can be found walking along the beach in search of food throughout the year. The bird is large for a shorebird and has a bright red bill and long legs. In the 19th century, they became locally extinct in the Northeast due to hunting and egg gathering, but later became protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.

snowy egret – This is a beautiful white heron that can be found in fresh water as well as in coastal regions such as Treasure Island. This bird can be very easy to quickly identify due to its long black legs and yellow feet. The snowy egret has a beautiful plumage during the breeding season; these birds were sought after by market hunters who depleted the population to a dangerous level. These birds also became protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.

great blue heron – These birds can be found throughout the country and are extremely common in Florida throughout the year. They can be found throughout the state in fresh and salt water. They are the largest great egrets and are tall with long legs. The great blue heron will walk slowly in shallow water as it searches for food until it quickly dives its head to catch fish.

brown pelican- Brown Pelicans can be found year-round on Treasure Island and are very distinct birds. Many tourists enjoy taking photos of these birds as they sit floating in the water or when diving for fish. These pelicans are unique from 6 other species because they are the only dusky pelicans. They are also the only pelicans that dive from the air into the water to catch their food.

white ibis – These birds are found year-round on Treasure Island and are distinguished by their white body and bright red legs and bills. These birds also have black wing tips that are usually only seen when in flight. The White Ibis can be seen as it searches for small crustaceans and crayfish along the shoreline.

great egret – This bird is also known as the Great White Egret or the Great White Egret. These birds are tall (up to 3.3 feet!) and all white with yellow bills. The Great Egret can be found on Treasure Island year-round and can be found feeding in shallow water on frogs, fish, and sometimes lizards. These birds are one of the most beautiful and majestic species that the Treasure Island area has to offer bird watchers.

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