Breast Cancer – Besides October being one of the coldest months of the year and a special month for kids to do creepy ghoul costumed tricks or treats to scare people, however, it is a more serious month of awareness about breast cancer. . For some women who are greeted at the door by a vampire, devil or witch, the shock at that moment is nothing compared to the fear they feel inside after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a time when women and girls are alerted to the importance of early detection. This is not to say that women are not aware of what breast cancer treatments, breast self-exams, and recovery problems entail throughout the year; it just focuses more on October through breast awareness campaigns. These types of campaigns have a great power of attraction where we see more and more women who come forward to be reviewed and answered their questions.

As with most organizations and support groups, they need financial help to keep up the good work. Breast cancer groups will include people who are caring and compassionate about your feelings. It is also very likely that those who lead the groups are or have been patients themselves. Cancer care workers will help you as best they can to accept breast cancer, they will be there for you when you undergo breast cancer treatment … during your recovery period and aftercare.

If you want to help these people who work tirelessly caring for the sick, then you can. Some people run a marathon to raise money for breast cancer, while others may put on a show and sell tickets to win money for their breast cancer charity. Why not take advantage of Halloween night and gather some friends and dress up, and instead of holding a lit pumpkin, hold up a sign with a message saying that all monetary donations will be donated to the breast cancer campaign.

A lot of women reading this are likely to know how to do a regular breast self-exam, but for those who don’t, more details on this below.

Let us turn our attention to women who are recovering and surviving the disease and want their life to return to normal. In most cases of breast cancer, it is not only the patient who is affected and included with all the pain, her partner, close relatives and friends, and more heart tears if there are children. The numbers are high for women with breast cancer who watch their children grow, all because they detected a breast lump early before it could reach a dangerous (life-threatening) stage.

Some useful tips

No matter how much some tell you not to be afraid and that everything is going to be okay, you will always debate this in your thoughts due to the fear of knowing that you have Big C. Overcoming the initial shock of being told by your GP – you have breast cancer, you can benefit and feel more satisfied by reading about the disease. This will help you understand more clearly about breast cancer, which you may never have thought too much about in the past, until you received the news that you had it. As long as the advice is obtained from a reliable source like “”, pay attention that the information they provide is correct and safe.

Undergoing chemotherapy treatment can drain you a lot of energy, so find someone to help you with household chores. Don’t try to overdo things at home, remember that you are on the mend and your body needs time to heal.

Join a mental toughness support group. You may find that talking about your cancer, your family, your fears, your hopes, and much more with other patients who are willing to reciprocate in this way will be helpful, and you may also learn a lot from other patients and how they overcame them. .

Talking about your breast cancer or any other type of cancer is known to help, but only when you want to. Some days you may feel like talking is what you need, while other times it is not. There will always be awkward moments when friends and family will try to avoid having to talk to you or, sadly, coming face to face with you if you are away from home. This usually happens because they don’t know what to say. If you’re prepared, break through the barrier that makes it difficult for them to communicate. Let them know that you are not upset if they bring up the subject and not to step on eggshells when they are around you. This is when normalcy returns to your life. The longer you keep quiet, so will others.

If you can talk openly about your condition, you can avoid those dreaded moments of silence. Only talk about your condition when you are okay and ready, and don’t be intimidated by it.

If you can, you should be positive about your condition and avoid being around people with a dark look. They may be sad for you, but explain that their sadness doesn’t help.

No matter how strong you are and how positive you are, there will be bad days and weakness, that’s fine and perfectly natural. There will be crying days to be expected, so cry if it makes you feel better. Undergoing chemotherapy and radiation is difficult, and crying promotes healing.

Comforting quotes

Live the present to the best of your ability: the past cannot be undone and the future is unknown; many of our fears may not happen.

Live your life as fully as possible and do the activities that give you the most joy and meaning. “

He recognizes that he has control over how he reacts to situations, even if he cannot control what happens to him. “

Learn to accept your negative feelings such as anger, sadness, and hatred; this can help them get through. “

Focus on relaxing with a relaxation tape. “

Keep a journal about what you are going through to help you understand and express your feelings. “

Get involved in breast cancer networks; This can help her feel that through her experiences she is helping other women in a similar situation. “

Try to keep your sense of humor, although it can be difficult at times! “

The good thing you can do from now on is to do regular breast self-exams to help avoid having to go through any of the above-mentioned ups and downs, pains, and treatments for breast cancer.

How to perform a breast self-exam

The ideal time to examine the breasts is immediately after menstruation, as they are not as tender or swollen.

Lie down and place a cushion under your right shoulder.

Put your right arm behind your head.

With the pads of the 3 middle fingers of the left hand, press gently and look for lumps or thickening in the right breast.

First, feel how your breast feels. If you are not sure how much pressure to use, see your GP.

Learn how your breast feels most of the time. A firm ridge on the lower curve of each breast is normal.

Move around the breast in a circular motion or the up and down motion. Do it the same way regularly on an assigned peer (1 month or earlier).

Now examine your left breast by doing the exact same thing.

Repeat the examination of both breasts while standing, with one arm behind your head. The upright position facilitates the examination of the upper and outer part of the breasts.

Other signs and symptoms of abnormality are dimpling of the skin, nipple changes, redness or swelling and discharge from the nipple is another.

Come on, the girls are having fun making those Halloween costumes and making money for breast cancer. You will be saving lives by doing this, and who knows, it may be yours or someone close to you.

Halloween Costume Tip: Go dressed up as nurses and doctors with fully painted zombie-style faces. Without early detection of breast cancer, there may be no need for face painting in the future – it’s your decision.

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