It’s part of human nature to ignore the possibility of something going wrong, especially when you’ve never experienced it firsthand. However, a false sense of security can and does affect livelihoods. When disaster strikes, few really expect to realize incredible loss and inevitable regret for failing to prepare well.

Your investment

Your business took years to build and you put in everything imaginable to make it a success. Imagine suddenly disappearing overnight. Where would you start rebuilding the data and how will you earn revenue?

It is not the physical loss of the property that makes recovery so difficult; it is the loss of data that hurts the most complete recovery. Everything that provides your business with day-to-day functional operations is much more critical than most leaders realize. Physical assets can be replaced; But they can’t rebuild lost files, data and contract documents that are so important to their work.

When it comes to protecting your business against accidental or incidental data loss, it’s clear that the cost of doing nothing can be quite high.

Have a plan

Events like fire, flood, power surges and outages, or even adverse actions by disgruntled employees, can turn your business upside down in an instant, leaving your entire business operation in shambles. You must have a disaster recovery plan. This includes regular full and incremental backups of your business data.

Automation tools can help with this by letting you schedule backups, putting your disaster recovery program on autopilot. Whether you choose Office 365 or a private, hosted Cloud Backup & DraaS (Disaster Recovery as a Service), you’ll be spoiled for choice.

Cloud and DraaS

Cloud Backup and DraaS packages provide a comprehensive solution to protect all of your company’s software and data assets. With features like location backup and replication, remote server backup, and online data archiving, your business can have the year-round disaster recovery protection it needs.

Costs can vary, but in general, you’ll pay about the same cost as a visit to your local Starbucks for a fully decked-out concoction of your choice. Surprising, isn’t it? Some options come with more features than others, so it’s vital to choose a provider that offers consulting to meet your needs. Why overpay for things you don’t need or risk losing benefits you didn’t know about?

The goal, in the end, is to have peace of mind with access to a full and speedy recovery should you ever need it. Similarly, when you weigh the cost of doing nothing versus the cost of implementing a comprehensive solution, it’s a “no brainer” to go full speed, taking a proactive approach.

And you can bet your mocha chai latte that you’ll never regret making it.

Prepare well.

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