the celtic warrior

For nearly 500 years, Celtic warriors were considered Britain’s most fearsome fighters. They dominated Britain having taken land from the Stone Age people in many battles. Archaeological artifacts today tell us a lot about these brave warriors, mainly because of the weapons found. The Romans, known as Master Record Keepers, faced the Celts in many battles and wrote about it.

These ancient peoples lived for war. Both men and women rose to the challenges of war and represented a race that was strong in body and brave in spirit and heart. They considered war the highest honor and would not go into battle without first adorning their bodies. The Latin word for picts is “painted”. They adopted war tactics by painting their entire bodies and hair in blue wood.

symbolic representation
Many of his tattoos depicted symbolic images such as animals or things found in nature and to which they attached meaning. These paintings were meant to strike fear into his enemies. Perhaps most importantly, these paintings were used to encapsulate the essence of their symbolic meaning in the warrior.

More aptly described as tribal tattoos, the most prolific paintings used by warriors were those that symbolized bravery, courage, and strength.

Animals used as a Celtic symbol of strength

Celtic warriors used animal symbols as a way to bring out the qualities of that particular animal in battle. Through symbols painted on their body, the ancients invoked the strength and spirit that these animals possessed. These included those animals that were part of life either real or mythological.

Celtic bulls, for example, were animals highly revered for their strong will and uncompromising traits, as well as their incredible, tireless physical strength. Bears were associated with power, while the lion represented strength and nobility in war. The boar was also depicted in tribal art for its strength and ferocity.

Although these animals were real and part of the daily life of the Celts, mythological animals such as the Celtic griffin were also often depicted. The griffins were depicted as part lion and part eagle were also adorned. In their positive attributes they represented strength and nobility much as the lion did. The dragon signified an impossible opponent that could not be defeated.

The symbolic meaning of a lion is primarily related to strength, but its other attributes include power, courage, ferocity, and dominance.

other symbols

Celtic warriors took their symbols of war from the things around them. One symbol commonly found adorning warriors was the Celtic arrow tattoo. The arrow symbolized brotherhood in war but also meant individual strength and strength between brothers. In battle, warriors of different origins came together as brothers. The arrow was a symbol that each possessed the same spirit of courage and strength within them.

Although not a symbol of the physical strength of the warrior, a tattoo depicting the sun pierced by an arrow signified the power of the sun to preserve life, while the arrow represented the inner strength that each one needed to be a successful warrior in the battle.

The ancient Ogham symbols were called upon for their strength. The Celts intertwined nature into a form of writing system represented by symbols that we recognize today as Runes. The Ogham consisted of twenty runic symbols, each of which represented a sacred tree. Each tree in turn represents an attribute or essence. It is these meanings that the Celtic warriors represent in their tribal art.

The Ogham letter D or Duir represented the alder tree which in turn symbolized strength and stamina. The letter F or Fern represented the mighty oak which represented stability and strength. The ancient druids believed that the Oak was a vessel that contained cosmic energy that a warrior could fully harness and release on the battlefield.

Shields were often depicted in tribal symbols as they symbolized strength and bravery. The Ardagh Chalice features shields and they are found throughout the centuries decorating Celtic artwork and monuments, perhaps as a means of attesting to the spirit of their brave ancestors.

With the advent of the Insular Art period around the 16th century, Celtic symbolism has forever been captured in beautiful metalwork. Reminders of the tribal art of the Celtic warriors with their symbols of strength, courage and bravery are depicted today in many forms of art ranging from body tattoos to intricate jewelry.

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