Welcome to lesson #2. First of all, I think gratitude is very important in everyday life. With this in mind, I am blown away by the response to this ezine and want to thank you for trusting the process and believing in yourself. When I woke up the next day after setting this up and saw how many people signed up, I burst into tears. Everything I have created I owe to God. He led me to do this and through Him I will help you. I am here to be the light so that you know that you already possess the wholeness within. We have several layers that we will discover. You will then be able to make new decisions in your quest for weight loss and set daily plans for yourself. You will be amazed at the difference. My intention is that you get results!

As we go through each lesson, I’ll also review some of the content from previous lessons to recap. Hey, it doesn’t hurt to hear information over and over again, does it? Remember that it takes 21 days to create a habit. In lesson #1, we discussed how everything is made up of energy. Your thoughts are pure energy. Whatever you give, is what you will receive. The Law of Attraction is established and will manifest those things in your life that you attract with your thoughts. Changing your thoughts will be your biggest challenge. It was for me and it cost me a daily effort to do it. When you look at your life today, what have you attracted with your thoughts? If you are overweight, what do you think of yourself? If you believed you could actually lose weight, these thoughts would have been released into the Universe to produce a completely different response.

Earlier I mentioned Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life, and in it she talks about how anger is at the heart of weight problems. Now, did you do your homework? The task was to write down the people in your life you are angry with and remember that you can include yourself. You were also supposed to write down what they did that made you mad.

For me, I did not feel love from either of my parents, but I had such a special bond with my father that I clung to his energy in a most devastating way in my body. My father died when I was fourteen, and there’s a whole story behind it in an e-book, Close Kept Secrets to Overcoming Illness. I felt responsible for his life and his death and that book will detail everything about how I attracted a horrible disease because I was carrying a lot of negative energy in me related to childhood. With this in mind, I carried the anger of not feeling loved and having the childhood I thought I deserved.

Okay, ready to release that anger? First, I want to explain the process. As an integrative body therapist, I work with clients face-to-face or over the phone to help them release their pain using Rapid Eye technology and emotional freedom techniques. Energy is energy and can be used all over the world. I heard from one subscriber that her whole body tingled after this process, so it works. We are on this journey together with the support of God. It is similar to the energy of prayer: the person does not have to be there to see that the prayer works.

What is Rapid Eye Technology (RET)? It is a technology that was developed to help release pain and trauma so that a person can experience love and joy on a deeper level. It stimulates the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep cycle, a natural release process. Your eyes blink when you are in REM sleep similar to watching a baby sleep and this is where the release process takes place. How many of you have experienced waking up in the middle of the night remembering that you were supposed to do something? This is your brain working for you while you sleep. Well, in RET, you’re awake and you’re processing and releasing your stuff. There are also guided imagery, chakra clearing, affirmations, and life skills that are part of this process as well. RET is great for balancing left and right brains because the left brain has to know why, while the right brain sees the positive/spiritual side of the world. In addition, we will use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). The premise of this technique is that when one experiences a negative emotion such as anger, there is a disruption in the body’s energy system that results in various symptoms. EFT is similar to acupuncture without the needles.

When I work with clients, we go from six to twelve sessions. Depending on how much stuff one brings will determine the length of the sessions, so keep that in mind. The results are absolutely amazing as the person feels lighter after the release.

I have to mention a disclaimer now as these processes could trigger it. I know I know! Disclaimers are part of our lives now.

Here it is:

You understand that these ezine sessions are for weight loss, stress reduction, and personal growth, and you assume full responsibility for them. This is not a substitute for medical examinations and/or diagnoses performed by physicians. You agree to keep Therapist completely safe from any and all issues that may arise as a result of these ezine sessions.

Okay, we’ve got that out of the way. Now let’s proceed.

These processes address the underlying cause of most weight problems: the need to feed the anxiety you feel with unresolved emotional issues. Until the underlying problem is resolved, the urge to overeat will continue. This is the reason why many weight loss programs fail in the long run. People can lose weight using them, but since the underlying emotional problem is still there, the need to medicate feelings through food will always be present. It has been my experience working with people who are overweight that the underlying emotion has to be released in order to make new decisions; otherwise they will simply return.

Right now, sit down and think about your anger. Judge where you are on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest) with your anger we talked about earlier: who you’re angry at and why. Now, if you’re not feeling anger, then identify if it’s sadness, guilt, or shame.

release process

Express your intention of what you want from your personal session and ask God, the angels or your guides for help. If uncomfortable emotions come up, acknowledge them by writing down what you feel. Please read the entire process (you will be doing several things) to the end of the ezine before proceeding.

1) Get comfortable in a chair or on the sofa. Find two places. One in each corner of the room at eye level.

2) Move your eyes left and right as quickly as possible to release the intention (as you move your eyes from left to right, look up at the junction between the ceiling and the wall and then slowly move your gaze down up to the seam between the wall and the floor, then return to eye level.

3) After several seconds of this, open your eyes wide and then close them as you inhale and exhale. Do this no more than three times.

4) If the emotion still seems strong, go back to step 2 and start over. Just do this process twice.

5) Open your mouth wide and take a deep breath, hold your breath for a second and then expel the energy to dissolve it into the light. Do this three times.

While doing the above process, you can say the following while moving your eyes:

Release all the trauma/Release all the anger/Release all the sadness/Release all the frustration/Release all the pain/Release all the helplessness/Release all the hopelessness/Release all the sorrow/Release all the poor me/Release it.

energy realignment

Touch the pressure points described below with the first two fingers (index and middle) of your hand 7 to 10 times while repeating the phrases below. Here are a few that you can use or you can make up your own to make them unique to your situation.

It will always fill in the blank and then complete the statement with the same sentence.

Even though my mother didn’t love me, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Even though I didn’t feel my father’s love, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Even though my mom doesn’t think I’m good enough, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Even though I am ashamed of my weight, I deeply and completely accept myself.

1) Beginning of the eyebrow towards the nose

2) Side of the eye (either eye)

3) Below the center of the eye on the cheekbone (either eye)

4) Under the nose

5) Under the lower lip

6) Just below the collarbone (either collarbone)

7) Under the arm, about 4 inches below the armpit (either arm)

8) Hit the entire top of the head for a good flow of energy

9) Make a fist and rub clockwise over your heart

Don’t worry if you’re not sure you’re hitting the right spots and saying it correctly. You will still get results. There are many energy points throughout your body. Trust yourself and know that God is with you every step of the way.

Now judge the intensity on a scale of 1 to 10. If it’s not a 1 or 2, repeat the tapping.

You can tap throughout the day, especially when food issues start to surface (even though I have this craving for chips, I deeply and completely accept myself). I do a morning tapping routine and include exercise, meditation, and prayer. I tap throughout the day and it keeps me centered and then I also do a nightly routine. I tap when I have to make a presentation and I feel scared. I tap when I’m about to have an awkward conversation and feel scared. I play in my car. I’m sure it must be fun for the person in the car next to me. Just like me, this will become part of your daily routine.

positive affirmations

The mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. Athletes use this concept to imagine themselves as having already completed their feat. They look triumphant. This is what separates those who are successful from those who still face challenges. You must believe yourself as if you were already at the desired weight.

With this in mind, it is important to use them as if they were already happening. Once you do this, you will manifest and attract exactly what you focus your thoughts on. Use them or create your own and say them throughout the day…several times a day. It works to put them on sticky notes or 3×5 cards so you remember to do it. Post them on your fridge, your mirror…anywhere that’s visible.

Thanks God!

I am my ideal weight!

My weight is ____________! (fill in the blank with your ideal weight)

I am peace!

I am happy in my body!

I’m loved!

I breathe joy!

I am the whole!

I am beautiful!

I have skinny thighs!

Love you _____________! (write your name)

I’m powerful!

I’m a sexy love machine!

I am perfect just as God created me!

I’m so hot I make fire jealous!


If you feel like you are not fully in this space and time, here are some things you can do:

o Firmly press the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth behind your front teeth and hold your fingertips together for about 30 seconds.

o Place your right hand on the top of your head as you imagine the energy entering the top of your head and flowing down your spine and connecting to the center of the earth.

o Touch the entire top of your head

drink some water

We are an amazing team! I appreciate you and know that you are a wonderful child of God, whole and complete just as He created you!

Stay tuned for more lessons and to hear about powerful cleansers and fat burners. For the past nine years I have been searching for a line of nutritional products that I could put my heart into. I have tried everything imaginable in my search for those products that I could use myself and promote to others. I have found the perfect answer. Visit http://www.tamiclose.isagenix.com.

With hugs and love,

to close

[email protected]


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