It has often been said that those who can, do and those who cannot, teach. This is not so in the dating world. A quality dating coach is someone who can walk the walk and talk the talk. But how does anyone get so good? Let’s take a look at some of the secrets that allow some men to achieve a high level of success with women.

Are rejected. Like many things in the dating world, getting turned down in order to get better with women is counter-intuitive. But those who are more rejected have more sex. The fact is, it’s always going to be a bit of a numbers game, so the more you put yourself out there, the better your chances of success. Coaches just don’t take rejection personally. Sometimes they even see it as a good thing. How is that? Imagine that you are looking for a one night stand. You open a set and you realize right away that the girl is very conservative and uncomfortable with her sexuality. You start to climb and you run out of breath. This is bad? No. Now you are free to go find that woman who is also looking for sex that night.

They are indifferent. This relates to being rejected. A good dating coach looks to have fun and have fun first. You are not taking the interaction too seriously. The ability to do this relies on a few things. You need to have an abundance mindset. Sometimes things with a woman will blow up at the last minute. You think she’s going to come home with you, she wants to come home with you and then her friend gets too sick and she has to take care of her.

If you have an abundance mentality, you will let it flow. You know you’ll have sex soon, it’s just a matter of time. It is not a big thing. The ability to not be truly needed plays into this as well and is the result of having an abundance mentality. You also have to go out and have fun first. Women have great bullshit detectors and can tell when you’re being transparent with them, even when you think they can’t. If you are truly enjoying yourself regardless of the outcome, you will be rewarded with more success.

They are dominating. This is a big one. A master dating coach understands that most of the time the man has to lead, both in conversation and in the escalation to sex. You cannot be afraid to make a move or even a bold move once she is attracted to you. Many women go out to pick up and look for the guy who will make it happen. However, some guys take this too far and focus only on the girl they like and forget about friends. Women will not like this either, as she will make you seem too eager and stubborn. Not to mention, you don’t seem to want to have fun, just have sex. You must be dominant with the woman you are interested in and, to a lesser extent, with friends. If she wins them all over, she’ll only make your job that much easier.

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