We are in a digital world where almost everything is integrated into a single system of the world wide web. We are in an era where we don’t have to have a store to sell our products, an era where we don’t have to meet to communicate, an era where we don’t necessarily have to follow the traditional door-to-door method. to advertise our products, but a time when everything is done simply and quickly.

With the high and increasing level of unemployment of graduates in Nigeria, I started to think about exit as I am graduating from University soon. Then I remembered hearing the speaker at the World Leadership Forum emphasizing the statement “You don’t need capital, what you need is an idea.” I started brainstorming the statement because of the fact that I’m afraid of being an unemployed graduate like the millions who haven’t gotten a job yet.

However, over time I began to understand that the world’s leading entrepreneurs never started with capital but with an idea. Bill Gate, the richest man in the world, never started Microsoft with a large capital, but rather his idea, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, who is also the fifth richest man, never started Facebook with capital, but rather with an idea Steve Jobs who is also a co-founder of Apple started the company to revolutionize the smartphone industry with just an idea Jobberman was created from an idea Linda Ikejis blog was created from a idea and, in fact, every good business that became a billionaire was created from an idea.

To dig deeper, I found that capital is easier to obtain, but no matter how big a capital is, without a good idea capital is wasted or can be lost, while a good idea is hard to find and can never be lost. to lose. . so the question remains how do you discover a multi-million dollar idea. How to break the chain of unemployment in Nigeria? Here are five tips to discover that business idea that will change your life forever.


1. OBSERVATION: To discover a good business idea, one has to observe the things and circumstances that surround him. As you wander through the land of observations, you should be able to identify what people do frequently, what challenges they face on a daily basis, what they need, how they want their needs met, when and where. As you watch and ask yourself all these questions, you should be able to identify the way out.

Steve Jobs used to go to the park to observe how people listen to music, Mark Zuckerberg possibly observed what would happen if he and his friends don’t necessarily have to meet daily, but go online to share pictures, JOBBERMAN knew people. Send your CV and letter of application directly, but what if they can do it on his behalf?

So the most important aspect of discovering an idea is to look at the market you are interested in, how they do their business, if there is anything that needs to be readjusted and much more.


Your observations will be worthless and unnecessary if you have yet to identify a problem in the way people conduct business. The idea can only be realized with the desire to offer solutions and better services to people. JUMIA and KONGA discovered a problem in marketing so they created an online marketplace where you make purchases and have them delivered to your doorstep, if you have not yet discovered any problem that you need or solved then you are far from identifying a multimillion dollar value. idea.


Now that you have discovered the problem in the way people conduct business as an entrepreneur, you need to offer a solution that fills that gap or void of dissatisfaction in the customers of that market. This can come from reading books and materials related to that business niche.


Have you discovered that idea that you think could make you millions? You shouldn’t just go full throttle, but do a feasibility study to determine if the solution you offer is viable. This possibly involves preparing a survey or questionnaire to hear your potential customers’ opinions about the service you are about to offer and how they feel about it. However, you must decouple your emotions from the responses you received.


This aspect has to do with the financial aspect of your idea. Don’t panic, there are plenty of people who will be willing to sponsor your idea if they find it fantastic and viable. You can get a loan from the financial institutions here (bank escrow, access bank, diamond bank, etc.) here in Nigeria at a minimal rate of interest, but all you need is a good business plan.

In conclusion, if you have a great idea that will bring you money, you don’t have to wait, now is the time. Forget about the fact that you need to go to school and get a good degree class, what’s important is the fact that you get out of your financial shackles and experience a world of financial freedom and independence. Remember that Bill gate, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and many more business tycoons were dropouts at one point but today the world has written their names in gold, you too can achieve the same. Good luck.

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