Do you have HIV? Like most adults, you could be HIV positive without knowing it. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus is one of the deadliest viruses. When HIV first enters the body, it may not cause symptoms. Some people don’t know they have it until six weeks after being infected. Within six weeks of infection, most patients contract an illness (seroconversion illness) that lasts about fourteen days. During their illness, people have a rash on their bodies, a fever, or a sore throat.

They usually have at least two symptoms during this brief illness. After it ends, the victim can remain healthy for several years. But the Human Immunodeficiency Virus will begin to damage your immune system without showing any signs. It normally destroys CD4 or T cells that the immune system needs to fight disease. If a person does not get tested for HIV at the nearest testing center, the virus can cause AIDS. Anyone who does not abstain from sex should get tested often and use protection.

The HIV test kit can eliminate the shame and fear that prevent most adults from getting tested. It is sold directly to the customer on the internet. You can inform the user of her status and allow him to start his treatment as soon as possible. Resuming our discussion on AIDS, it stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The term syndrome means that AIDS is a variety of diseases caused by a virus that people contract themselves. And when the virus enters your body, it begins to weaken your immune system.

The terms HIV and AIDS do not have a similar meaning. If you don’t have the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in your blood, you can’t get an AIDS diagnosis. On the other hand, a person who is already HIV-positive can contract AIDS if his or her status is known too late. In the past, the drugs used to treat HIV were not as effective as the drugs we have today. Many people would contract AIDS even while receiving treatment.

Today, many people do not get acquired immunodeficiency syndrome because effective HIV medications are available. This has caused most doctors to use the terms advanced HIV disease, HIV infection, or late-stage HIV infection more often than the term AIDS. There are now more deaths from diseases like diabetes and cancer than from HIV and AIDS. The disease has become so manageable that sufferers are no longer emaciated, depressed, or stigmatized.

It has become easier to live with this disease now than it was a few decades ago. But there is one thing that every person having sex should do. They have to get an HIV test kit and test themselves at home. Going to the hospital for a test has become obsolete these days as people want to get tested for an STD in private. Test kits have eliminated the discomfort and fear of embarrassment that people suffered in the past.

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