Dreaming is an essential part of our life. People can daydream their lives; they can swim in the dreams of a long night’s sleep, or they can think of the American Dream. The same word has so many meanings and so many interpretations.

Aristotle (384-322 BC) the Greek philosopher said that dreams are the result of physical disturbances, such as having an upset stomach. He also believed that dreams contain memories of events that happened during the day. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the Austrian psychoanalyst, believed that dreams contain unconscious thoughts and desires that are socially unacceptable, and he believed that people need a psychoanalyst to help them understand their dreams. Carl Jung (1875-1961), a Swiss psychologist who was one of Freud’s students, somewhat disagreed with Freud on the meaning of dreams. He did not believe that all dreams reflected unconscious wishes. Jung also felt that people could learn to interpret their own dreams.

Religious writings, such as the Bible and the Quran, sometimes describe dreams as symbols or visions of the future. So dreams are hidden desires that can underline a person’s life and, at the same time, improve it.

Dreams can be passive and active; they can go unnoticed by you, or they can put your body in motion to make them real. Even if many people cannot decode the meanings given to them during their nocturnal existence, they should try to remember and write them down. They contain coded messages that the mind is trying to convey. Faces and places can be linked to future events such as deja-vu experiences, or they can reiterate problems that your mind is trying to control and struggling with.

For one thing, women tend to dream more than men. They are in tune with your inner spirit and are already known as the emotional gender. Women think and dream about their life, their partner and the career they want to undertake. When they were young, they read stories about the prince in shining armor on the white horse that came to rescue them. When adulthood has reached its peak, they already know that she was just a legend and in order to be the princess of the castle, they have to go out into the jungle and fight for their title. If when they were kids, they were told that they could become whatever they wanted, well, that was a dream. And, like most dreams, it vanished the moment they woke up.

People will become whatever they work for, and that is not a dream, but pure reality! They can dream of their opportunities, but they need to get their bodies moving to make them happen! Dreaming is the arrow, while work is the bow.

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