In triathlon training there is a lot of equipment to buy, so E is for equipment. There are so many gadgets and gizmos in a triathlon that you need a little help navigating through the mess. There are some pieces of equipment that are crucial to your development as a triathlete and therefore you should buy them first. There are some teams that can wait until later, but that would be of great help in training. Then there are some equipment that you don’t need at all.

Equipment you need:

A watch – One of the most critical and crucial items you absolutely need is a watch that you can dedicate for triathlon use. I prefer the Garmin Forerunner 910XT that I just received this year. This watch does everything from tracking your time to counting your strokes to measuring your bike cadence and running steps. This watch also has a multipart feature that will allow you to seamlessly switch between disciplines during a race while keeping track of the transition smoothly. I used to have a different watch, and this was an improvement. Regardless of the watch you buy, make sure it has a stopwatch capability and a GPS capability. These two specific capabilities should be standard on any watch you might consider. This is a 100% definitive purchase for anyone entering the world of triathlon.

Workout Clothes – The second important item to buy is workout clothes. This may seem obvious, but I see many triathletes with cumbersome clothing that is not enough for training. You need technical shirts that can breathe easily and absorb sweat. You need running shorts that don’t affect your stride. I don’t like shorts that show your butt, but somewhere in the middle I see some triathletes working out in basketball shorts. This will hamper your flexibility and ability to work on your career stride. You need some good bike shorts. These are padded shorts that allow you to ride for extended periods of time. You also need speedo shorts for swimming. I use Jammers that extend up to the knee and have really enjoyed these types of shorts. This is an area where you don’t need to have too many items, but comfortable clothing is a must for effective training. You can find inexpensive options on eBay, but try to find a brand when you can as they will last longer.

A Race Kit – The race kits are the bottom and top for the races you will need. This is another area where you don’t want bulky clothing that isn’t streamlined. You need something that is comfortable and stylish. I’ve seen guys trying to run in basketball shorts and flowy jerseys. Neither of these will be effective for a good run.

Shoes: You will need both cycling and running shoes. These shoes should be comfortable and sized correctly. If I had to spend the extra money, it would be to get the right size for these shoes. Normally any store will do it as a service. Take time to precisely fit the shoes.

Sunglasses – This may seem silly, but I wear contact lenses and need protection for my eyes in the wind and also from the sun. I know if you are doing a longer triathlon like an ironman, you will have these sunglasses on for 10-17 hours. Make sure they are comfortable or your head will hurt and with everything that hurts you don’t need it.

Bicycle – Obviously one of the most expensive areas of a purchase is a bicycle. If you’re just starting out, you don’t need the most expensive bike. Pick one that you can easily afford, or look for one on Craigslist or other outlets. Make sure it is the right size for you and that you are comfortable with it. I also want the bike to suit my personality. I know this sounds silly, but if you don’t feel good on your bike, you don’t want to train as much or ride so hard in the race. Trust me, a lot of this sport is psychological. You can also borrow a bike if you don’t have one until you learn the sport.

Swimming goggles: you have to have them to swim …

Bike helmet – You have to have a helmet to ride a bike in triathlon or to be able to run. I would suggest going conservative on the price. You want an aerodynamic helmet, but you don’t have to go high-end. You can be conservative and buy a helmet that doesn’t look like an alien if you go on a group outing with friends.

Equipment that would be good but not necessary:

There are many articles in this category.

Power Meter – The Power Meter is a device that you put on your bike that will help you determine the total power of your bike when pedaling. Obviously, the higher the number, the more power, the faster you will go. These power meters are coming down in price as more manufacturers enter the market. I would love to have a power meter, but I have been able to compete in this sport without one. If you have the finances to buy one, go ahead, but you don’t have to.

Heart Rate Monitor – I was tempted to put this on the must-have, but decided it’s a nice perk to have. I think that for me this has been a fundamental element in my training. I use it almost every day. I want to know how my heart rate is compared to how fast I’m going, whether it’s running or cycling. I also use it in races to monitor my heart rate. I know there are some downsides to heart rate monitors, as your body can change based on temperature, hydration, and general exertion. I am aware of these limitations, but I remain highly dependent on this team. The good news is that most watch brands you can buy come with a heart rate monitor.

Swimming equipment: I know that I have improved a lot by having a treadmill, fins, special snorkel, paddles, etc. But these are not absolutely necessary. I would advise using some of these items, but technically I earned them in a drawing. I did not buy them. If I had to buy them it would have been slower to put them in my collection let alone my training. I’d say they’ve helped and will therefore put you in this category of nice, but not necessary.

Aero Wheelset – Again, I would love to have a great aero wheelset for my bike, but with prices above $ 1,000 this won’t happen anytime soon. You can find cheaper options in China, but word is still out about their reliability. I know I was able to get a good set of wheels for about $ 300. They have served me well. I plan to upgrade the bearings to ceramic bearings and change the tires to make them faster. You need an aerodynamic helmet before you need an aerodynamic wheelset, plus the helmet is cheaper.

Equipment you don’t need:

Some of the equipment in this category is not bad equipment, but it is not really that necessary, especially at its price.

Normatec Recovery Leggings – This device looks amazing, but it’s not necessary. You place your legs in this device that airs and contracts, massaging your legs to recover. I’ve never tried this device, but a good stretch and a good recovery drink will do the trick. These devices are very expensive, but if you have a few friends who want to get in on the deal, it might be worth it. The only problem is who gets them first.

Anything high-end, I’m not a brand guy. That might make me gasp a bit in this category, but there are some ridiculously priced items that you don’t need. Rudy sunglasses cost $ 175 or more. A good $ 10 to $ 20 pair of sunglasses from eBay will do the trick. Shoes can run by the hundreds. A good pair will cost you around $ 100, but there are also deals here that you can find online. Bikes can run thousands, but good brands are just as good unless you’re a pro. I’d say be modest when buying something high-end like that. Spend your money on a coach or a good massage.

Ridiculous Gadgets – If you see a gadget that is too good to be true, then it is. Don’t be fooled by some of the ridiculous gadgets out there.

The main thing on the team to remember is that common sense and your budget rule the day.

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