Journal day. January 14.

Diary/Day of the Candles. This is the first Valentine’s Day in the new year, I don’t know how it came to be or who popularized it, maybe we should appreciate a concentrated marketing effort, but January 14th is Diary Day or Candle Day, not it’s a very popular party (in fact, it’s not really a party). On this day, lovers will give each other a diary to record the love affairs of the coming year, to symbolize that the lover will go through the road hand in hand in the coming year and leave more happy memories. But single girls, at the beginning of the new year, you can write the declaration and plan for the person you like in your diary, sow the seeds of love in your heart.

Valentine, February 14.

As we know, it is an annual commemoration that takes place on February 14, celebrating love and affection between intimate partners. Traditionally, it is a day when lovers express their love for each other by giving flowers, offering sweets and sending greeting cards.

White Day, March 14

It is a day celebrated in Japan on March 14, one month after Valentine’s Day. It is also seen in South Korea, Taiwan, and China. We can say that this party is a commercial plot, why do I say that it is a plot? If you try to find the origin you will know. In Japan, Valentine’s Day is for women to observe gifts of chocolate (either store-bought or hand-held), usually a man, as an expression of love, courtesy, or social obligation. Handmade chocolate is usually preferred by the recipient, because it is a sign that the person receives the child, White Day is the opposite: men who honmei Giri choco-chocolate on Valentine’s Day, or probably will return to give gifts, generally more expensive. Traditionally, the return should be recited White Day popular cookies, jewelry, white chocolate, white underwear and gaeshi marshmallows. Sometimes Sanba term used to describe the general rule, the gift of two fifty-eight times the cost of Valentine’s gifts.

Black Day, April 14

This idea seems to come from a group of singles who don’t have a lover on Valentine’s Day. You can know the meaning of this day from the name, it is like “single day”. It is an informal South Korean tradition for single people to get together and eat jajangmyeon (black bean sauce noodles), sometimes a white sauce is mixed in for those who did not celebrate white day. Well, although not all lovers can last forever in the world, and not all can even be had, but who said singles can’t have a Valentine’s Day? Black day is a single noble festival. in the last two months they may not have even received a small sweet gift, and no one can give them chocolate, but on April 14, singles can also be completely happy on this day, have a party, in the percent one hundred black worlds , will put on black overalls, black hat, black leather shoes, eat the noodles that black soybeans will make, drink the coffee so as not to add the essence of milk, enjoy the primary bitter and astringent taste of black coffee, will let love go ridiculously temporarily!

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