There are only two types of people in this world. Those who succeed and those who don’t. There is only a slight difference between them, and it applies to people who have also lost weight successfully or not! The main thing that separates them is that those who have been successful on their weight loss journey have found the real underlying reason why they decide to lose weight.

This may seem like a small difference, but it means a lot when it comes to predicting and deciding if you will be successful on your weight loss journey. This is easy to explain. The two main reasons behind this is the concept of focus and determination.

It’s easy to lose focus, it’s easy to forget what exactly we want to achieve with our bodies and fitness. There will be many occasions when we will be partying or just enjoying ourselves. During such circumstances, there will be peer pressure to binge and drink a lot of alcoholic beverages. Right now, if you haven’t identified the real reason why you want to get rid of that excess fat, you will easily give in to these temptations.

What I mean by the above can be illustrated with a simple example. Assume that your real reason for losing weight is to attract members of the opposite sex and to stop being bullied. However, if you don’t identify that at first and think your reason is to be ‘healthier’ even though that’s not really true, you won’t feel compelled to lose weight. Sometimes you’ll get drunk and drink, and before you know it, you’ll be right back where you started.

Next, how well you identify with your actual weight loss motivation decides how determined you can be to embark on your weight loss journey. You will inevitably find times when you continue to increase the intensity of your exercises and improve your diet without losing weight. This is due to the fat loss that occurs in gushes. If you don’t know the real reason why you really want to burn those fats, you will easily get discouraged and give up.

Let me help you find the real reason you want to lose weight. Most of the people I know who want to burn some fat want to do it to appear more sexually attractive, to make their ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend regret it, or something like that. These are the common, true, underlying reasons behind why people want to be lighter.

Everyone is different, so you need to identify the real reason you want to lose weight in order to make your weight loss transformation a success. Most importantly, it must be something of great importance to you!

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