It is common that when computer users get Wuauclt.exe error but don’t know what to do about the annoying computer problem. Because such an error is a total surprise and most of us are not PC professionals. The following error messages are what you may receive when you browse the web in Microsoft Windows:

wauuclt.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close

WUAUCLT.EXE has caused an error in WUV31S.DLL

WUAUCLT will now close

And you will notice some side effects occur in your system like computer freezing, Windows blue screen of death or even system crash.

Description of wauclt.exe

Wuauclt.exe is a very important file that resides in the background and checks the Microsoft website for updates to the operating system. With the help of this file, the entire computer and all the programs on the computer can function properly without any issues. However, once it is destroyed by virus or corrupted, deleted by accident, it will create annoying exe error and your computer will not work properly.

In the next handful of paragraphs, I will demonstrate you the effective and effortless tips to prevent such computer problems from happening.

Rename the Wuauclt.exe file

This behavior can occur if the Wuauclt.exe file is damaged. The first and direct method is to rename the file. Here are the steps:

1. Click Start, point to Search, and then click Files or Folders.

2. In the Search for files or folders named box, type wuauclt.exe.

3. In the Look in box, click Local Disk (C:), and then click Look Now.

The file is located in the C:Windows folder (where C is the drive on which Windows is installed).

4. In the Search Results window, right-click Wuauclt.exe, and then click Rename.

5. Type Wuauclt.old, and then press ENTER.

6. Close the Search Results window.

Delete and reinstall the program causing the error

If the error message appears shortly after installing a program on the computer, the error may be caused by malicious agents on your computer. Some of the dynamic link library (.dll) files may be damaged. To fix this problem, first completely remove the program. After completely removing the program, you can reinstall it.

Trust a professional registry utility

Most of the time, the reason why you are getting the exe error is with the Windows registry. Once the file in your Windows registry is corrupted, your entire computer might get severely damaged if you are unable to fix the error on time. It is clear that your registry should be fixed without any delay if your computer is having problems with such error.

Well, a little advice though. If you’re not exactly a computer genius, please stop acting. A simple wrong deletion or alteration can lead to a total system error. With a professional registry cleaner in your hands that can quickly scan, safely diagnose and repair, you can not only easily and proficiently fix wuauclt.exe error, but also help you to effectively repair other types of errors registry, manage your system, optimize your computer for maximum performance every day.

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