When I was younger, it was mainly about doing before thinking. Then one morning I decided that it was impossible to shower in such a small shower. And a day or two later, everything had been removed and the outer wall demolished.

My handyman / gardener was ready with his shovel. Where should you start digging the foundation? I took three long steps in one direction and four in the other direction. That’s it, I said. I think this is big enough for a bathroom.

Later, I realized that I had actually stepped on and built quite a bit on the line of the building and that the municipality was missing some lines in my construction plans. But that’s a story for another day.

As the construction work progressed, I began to chat with one of the masons about who was most important in the construction process. Obviously, he raised his hand first, because, he said, if the walls are not built well, they can collapse and someone can get hurt.

The plumber overheard us and joined the conversation, saying something about tightening the bolts and nuts well, otherwise you’ll end up with a leak under the tile, and what a mess then to remove all of that. And you never find the same tiles, so eventually everything has to be resealed.

A few more contractors joined in and then I had to stop all the chat, because I pay by the hour and I could see the clock ticking and money running out. And by the way, did you know that a bathroom requires all the trades? This is the reason why many marriages fail.

But wait, let me go back to my story.

As the men walked back to their jobs, I said out loud so that everyone could hear me: “I am the most important, because if I don’t bring your material to the construction site, no one can do anything.” Everyone wanted to comment on that, but I gave them the look …

3Moses was also faithful, but Jesus receives much more honor. A builder is more valuable than a building any day. 4Every house has a builder, but the builder behind it is God. 5 Every house has a builder, but the builder behind it is God …

You and I are builders. We all receive a series of gifts to help build God’s house here on earth. You may have the gift of earning money and now you are building the Kingdom of God by investing money somewhere. Maybe you can work with your hands. Maybe you can give your time and volunteer somewhere.

We as builders are more important than what we build and we know that God is more important than us, because He made us. However, what matters is whether I am doing my job well. Although Moses occasionally took a wrong path, he still did his job and carried out God’s instructions.

When you enter heaven one day, will people be satisfied with your botch, sorry, I mean building?

Holy Scripture

Hebrews 3: 1-6


What are your gifts?

What are you building?

Building or slobbering?


Lord, I know that I am a builder in your New World. I know I must use my gifts, but I don’t know if I’m building or botching. Amen.

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