After four decades of being a certified flight instructor, I’ve seen hundreds of student pilots fail to complete their private pilot license requirements and go home with their tails between their legs. This does not have to be the case. The following “checklist” and wise advice will improve anyone’s chances of completing the FAA private pilot license process.

First review what the FAA requires of you and your instructor to get your license and how you can optimize your time and money. Here are the two requirements that keep students from getting their license most often:

  • Have a valid third-class medical certificate. Many student pilots put off this physical and start flying. Let’s be honest; flying is more fun than going to a physical exam. However, all potential candidates are required to take the physical before they begin flying, as not everyone passes the exam.
  • Log at least 40 flight hours. This requirement is often what prevents student pilots from completing their training, and since it is the biggest hurdle to overcome, it requires an exam.

Most people would be able to make a successful check trip with a flight examiner after 40 hours of flying. The problem lies in the opportunity and continuity of training. Once you’ve found a flight school and instructor you like, scheduling one flight lesson per week will likely spell the ruin of your private pilot’s license bid. Bad weather will likely cancel half your lessons, leading to the biggest problem part-time flight students face: remembering what you did in your last lesson. The longer the interval between lessons, the less productive the next lesson will be. This is the main reason why people go over forty hours of training and lose the money they had allocated for the license.

So how do you get multiple flight lessons per week and retain what you’ve learned and stay on schedule and on budget?

  • Have all the money you need before you start. If it costs $5,000.00 to meet all of your requirements, have it the day before you start.
  • Start at the right time of year. This varies in the United States. If you live where it snows, don’t start flight training until winter is over and the weather improves.
  • Length of days: Unless you can get off work for two or more hours at least twice a week, wait until daylight savings time kicks in and make the decision to fly after work. Studies show that three flight lessons of at least one hour per week is optimal for learning and retention.
  • Overbook your lessons: Since you must fly at least three times a week, reserve four or even five slots on the flight schools schedule. The weather will cancel about ΒΌ of all your lessons anyway.
  • Lastly, flight instructors live for the serious student. Once you’ve found an instructor you like, (this may take more than one try, but it’s worth it) express your resolve to finish what you’re starting as quickly as carefully. Your instructor will work harder for you.

Earning the coveted private pilot’s license is expensive, requires study and practice. Using the checklist items above greatly increases your chances of success.

Pilots from “Jet Jocks” to “$100 Burger Hunters” are wise to belong to the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Find them at:

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