The internet is the most amazing piece of modern technology, and yet it came about in a simple way. During World War II, inventive brains worked to develop a decryption coin to be able to decipher the enemy’s plans. This was not the first as many preceded it. After the war, employment turned to industry and technology, and machines came into their own, along with calculators and so on.

The term “computer” was first recorded in 1613 to describe a human being. He is possibly the trigger for thoughts that a machine could be developed to do what he did. Over the next 400 years, various types of machines slowly came into play.

One can see from the series of events that the production of the communication device we now take for granted was part of a plan. As with any invention or progress, it doesn’t happen overnight and other things have to come into play as well.

Along with the steps required to bring about the Internet, others were developed to enable it. Some worked on electrical components, others on telephone and wireless technology, others on building cabinets to house them, and finally, the technology behind the televised images was added to the mix.

Along with these innovations came other ideas. The way of storing information led to the development of memory, while RAM allowed for graphics and images. They started companies that brought the computer from the massive ‘colossus’ of the British set-top box to the desktop in 1964 by Olivetti.

After that, the computer was poised to become a household name. The first microprocessor was developed by Intel in 1971. It was quickly followed by the first microcomputer in 1973. Each of these machines came from people of different nationalities and backgrounds, including the latest from a Vietnamese-French engineer in partnership with a Frenchman.

The first personal computer appeared in 1975 and the first laptop, developed by IBM, that same year. The first Apple computer hit the market in 1976.

With security a primary concern, the military in many countries worked on ways to secretly pass information through phone lines and then other devices. What they required was wireless transfer that could be encrypted and computers that could communicate with each other without interference from outside influences.

In 1976 a pair of researchers named Kahn and Cerf published a blueprint for their idea of ​​wireless transmission of information. It then started working when a computer passed written information and sent it to a source for transmission as radio signals. Picked up by an antenna, they were then moved to another computer where they could be read.

The Internet was born and he is barely 41 years old. All that was required after that was to use telephone technology to marry the two of them with the convenience of today’s communication system.

Only the Spirit of the Universe, the true God, could do this by putting ideas in the minds of those who worked for four centuries and many countries to achieve it. My reincarnation and link with Spirit has given me a glimpse of the plan so detailed in Old Testament prophecies. In there is a promise that at the end of the day the mountain of God will appear and from it the world will hear and understand all things.

In the last days, the mountain of the house of God will appear on top of the mountains and all the people will run towards it.” Micah 4:1.

Few will dispute the fact that we have reached that point and the Internet is the highest mountain in the world. It is the place of teaching and the repository of history since practically the arrival of man on earth. Little by little, over the last millennia, progress has taken us from hunter-gatherers to people who can talk to other people anywhere in the world instantly.

It has also attracted the interest of all who come to it with their mobile phones, tablets, computers and other devices. Wars fought have given us incentives to do better, which explains why they happened. Other things like disease, famine, and natural tragedies have added to the development of our current systems.

God is speaking to the world through these words and others heard by billions who can now tune in. Terrorists and those who intend to destroy everything are part of the framework to deal the final blow. We don’t know when it will happen, but just like the internet, the promise will come true.

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