Many men often don’t realize how they create the circumstances of experiencing low semen volume by wearing tight underwear, taking very hot baths, being overweight, or simply sitting for long periods of time. In addition, frequent ejaculation of semen will cause a decrease in sperm volume.

Here are smart and effective ways to increase your semen volume:

1. Nutritious food. Eat a nutritious diet that is low in fat, high in protein, vegetables, and whole grains; these are very good for your overall health and for increasing your semen volume.

2. Less sex. If you can, have sex and masturbate less often; the more he ejaculates, the less dense his semen will be. Try to keep an interval of at least three days after 2 consecutive ejaculations.

3. Hot testicles. Avoid heating your testicles. As? Avoid taking hot baths and saunas.

4. Exercise. Make it a point to exercise on a regular basis. Join a fitness club and stick to an exercise program of at least 3-4 times a week.

5. Massage oil. Consider using an herbal oil to improve blood circulation.

6. Lose weight. Lose any extra weight; being overweight is often the cause of testosterone imbalance.

7. Stress. Do everything you can to lower your stress levels. You can use relaxing methods such as yoga and meditation.

8. Supplements. Use only medically approved supplements. There are a number of effective supplements that will help increase sperm production. You can get information about an effective, natural and safe supplement with no side effects at

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