Since the days of Jane Fonda and her crew of jocks wearing leotards and leg warmers on VHS (that’s Video Home System for those of you under 25), jocks have loved the convenience of working out at home. . VHS has long since gone the way of the dinosaur, but home fitness fanaticism is still alive and kicking. Home exercise DVDs are a viable option for those without a gym membership. Thanks to a plethora of home DVDs, hardening trouble spots has never been easier.


The average insomniac can probably recite the names of the popular home exercise DVD shows seen saturating the airwaves on late-night infomercials. These programs claim body transformations in 60 to 90 days if you follow them diligently. But for those who aren’t so easily sucked into the late-night infomercial vortex, they have the option of buying at the local department store or through online DVD companies. The advantage of buying online is customer reviews that tell you if a DVD is worth your money or not.

time and effort

The massive buzz surrounding the craze for at-home fitness programs has produced its share of bandwagon jumpers. But before you ditch your gym membership, you should know that home exercise DVDs require the same effort and consistency as going to the gym; you can’t get results if you don’t do the workouts. As with any exercise plan, you must commit to hitting the “Play” button on your DVD player consistently. Of course, no exercise program can beat a bad diet, no matter how diligent you are, so be sure to consider your eating habits as well.

advantage fitness dvd

Since fitness DVDs come pre-programmed with exercises, there’s no guesswork involved. This is beneficial for people who are inexperienced in creating training plans. These training plans are led primarily by energetic fitness experts who guide and encourage you to train hard and “feel the burn.” Users can rest assured that these programs are designed to give them great results if they put in the persistence and effort.

The outdated idea that getting in shape requires a gym membership is a misconception for some people. exercise can be beneficial no matter where you do it. Your body doesn’t care if you’re at home or in a gym surrounded by a lot of people. Exercising at home can be just as effective as working out at the gym, and without the collective smell of other people’s sweat around you.

If you like variety, there are home workouts available for people from all walks of life. For seniors, moms-to-be, kids, fitness enthusiasts – whatever your fitness goals, there are home workouts to suit your tastes.

Cons fitness dvd

One caveat that comes with this method of exercise is the boredom factor. Playing the same old DVD every day may offer you comfort now, but the extra time can make your body plateau. If you no longer see results and feel that the training is too easy, it is definitely time to change it. So if you’re inclined to go the home workout route, be sure to vary your DVD collection and change it every six weeks or so to keep things fresh.

Safety concerns

If you have existing medical conditions that could pose a safety hazard exercising alone at home, exercise DVDs may not be the best option for you. It is recommended to exercise in a gym in the presence of fitness professionals.

The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the advice of a healthcare professional. Any reader who is concerned about their health should consult a doctor.

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