“Keep it. Simple. Silly.”

The idea of ​​living simply is very difficult for a human being to grasp. Human beings are made of desires that will not cease. However, we must try to adopt the art of minimal living. In your daily routine, you are bombarded with colors, objects and ideas that create a mess in your mind. If you live the city life, the hustle and bustle really gets to you. Also, if you’ve ever visited a big city, you’ll spend half your life stuck in traffic cursing your luck.

Therefore, to keep your mind calm, you must take the minimal route. Well, what better place to do that than to start with home storage. Big evergreen IT cities are known for their stylish yet spacious apartment space. But has it ever occurred to you that you may not actually be using your apartment space to its full potential? Do not worry! We’ve got you covered on that.

It’s time to memorize these golden rules of minimalism.

1. You have less clutter to clean up.

2. You buy less and save money.

3. You make your life easier.

4. You get the space you paid for.

5. You are at peace.


When you look at your room, there is a tug-of-war in your head about things that need to be put away or thrown away, also the constant need to go shopping is where clutter slowly builds up inside your home. Therefore, it is essential to draw up a plan. Home storage can be done easily, if planned correctly and systematically.

Well then! Everything in your home will have a place; it may not be there currently, but it will find or make room for said good. Sometimes we buy or own three or four similar products. For example, you recently bought two beautiful knives, but you tend to get greedy and buy the whole set, including a blade that definitely won’t be used at all. In other cases, we get attached to things, because maybe it’s attached to some happy memory or it’s been given to us or maybe it just helped you in some way. I assure you, if it’s just lying around, you need to cut the apron strings and throw it away. There is no shame in it. You are cleaning a house that a whole family occupies, so evaluate, edit, save and then store, and always remember to MAKE A PLAN – FOLLOW IT – #MANTRA


So now that your plans are more or less set, it’s time to fix and keep only what you need.


This divine place is the heartbeat of the house. You can have long conversations, gossip while cooking sumptuous meals for your family. A full belly is a happy mind. Before preparing dinner, it is always attractive to see a clean and organized kitchen. So start with the Tupperware or containers, which are old and never used, disassemble your cutlery and see what the grade does. Buy a small basket and put your cups, spoons, forks, ladles, everything in it. Add adjustable drawer dividers; install panels to store your spices and other flavoring additives. Keep dishes above the sink in a cabinet. Finally, do a regular cleaning of things inside your kitchen. Add color maybe, it will surely bring a smile on your face.


This room speaks loudly about your personality. Open your cupboard/closet, take a look at the overflowing clothes that just fell on you. Hello, are you listening? If you step back for a minute, you’ll see that most of the clothes you buy you’ll never wear again. It’s human nature, every day you feel different and that’s why you try new things. Open your suitcase under the bed and throw out all the clothes that you have outgrown or that you are not going to use. Donate it to a charity so they can put it to good use. Home storage is a huge necessity in today’s big cities and living simply is how the modern world is perceived. It is ideal to have a goal in mind. Let’s say 5 tops, three jeans, one pair of shorts, and three pairs of shoes. You should do that.


Okay, so we don’t have those fancy bathrooms we see in the movies, we reserve a small space in the apartment to do our daily chores and take a shower. However, this is the most, and I stress the most important, room that needs to be a sterile, hospital-like place. That said, you must organize the cabinets in the bathroom. Have a box of soap, your scrubs, toothpaste, and toothbrush washed, dried, and stored in an airtight space. Rotate the towels to get the same usage and eventually they will all be ready to be replaced at the same time, keeping the set fresh and new.


There you have it, we just scratched the surface of home storage. You can take up the mantle and do so much more. Yes, your house will continue to be messy and your children will continue to drop their toys and things will continue to pile up in places. But if you live in a city, home storage done the right way will get you one step closer to your ideal home.

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