How do you advertise on Facebook without wasting your time and money?

Advertising is a book that is constantly expanding. There are some techniques that have been successful for years and are being adjusted for new places; social networking websites are one of them.

Facebook is a social networking website that already has millions of users with more being added every day. What a great place to advertise! Why? In addition to having access to so many people, joining is free. In addition, you can create a ‘fan page’ to establish yourself on this website. A fan page is not only a way to establish your business name, but it’s also a great way to connect with others.

So how do you advertise on Facebook with a fan page? You get others to “like” your page. You can invite others or post a comment, question, image or offer that leads them to go to your fan page and ‘like’ it. By clicking the ‘like’ option, the person is indicating that they are interested in what you have to offer.

A fan page is just the beginning of learning how to advertise on Facebook. Once you have the page set up and your profile complete enough, start adding images or videos (if possible) of what you’re offering. Provide facts, stats, updates, promotional information, and anything else that might be relevant to get someone to commit and take action. By the way, you have the option to add a profile picture which can be a photo of yourself or even your company logo.

What else can you do to learn how to advertise on Facebook? Post information about upcoming events that your business will be a part of in one way or another. This advertising method is called “event advertising”. With this type of ad, you can invite whoever you want; this includes your friends and anyone else you might be interested in.

With a little money, you can advertise through a ‘sample ad’. As the name implies, there is a sample involved. This type of ad allows you to give a free sample to anyone who requests it; anyone on Facebook anyway. It’s free and who doesn’t like to get something for free? Chances are, someone who gets a free sample will probably post about it, which in turn is free publicity for you.

You can also share your business with a ‘basic likes ad’. This is an ad that is short and sweet; it’s a sample of what you have to offer to get people to like or visit your fan page. Did you know that when you ‘like’ something, that action is automatically posted on your wall? Again, this is free advertising that someone else is doing for you.

How about a ‘survey ad’? This gets your business name out there to Facebook users who aren’t current fans of your fan page. A question is asked in which an answer is selected from a drop-down list; the response will prompt the user to see the statistics of the responses of everyone who has already taken the survey.

It all starts with a simple fan page and turns into a huge business. The answer to the question “How do you advertise on Facebook?” it’s your own unique advertising campaign.

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