Looks like the lice are on the rampage once more. The annual school newsletter has been sent out and those little biting bugs are spreading among the kids like wildfire! But it still amazes me how many parents still don’t have a clue how to deal with them. One of my favorite treatments is to use mayonnaise to destroy the lice and vinegar to dislodge the nits and make them easier to remove.

Lice Treatments for chemical companies they are big business. For years, if we found out one of our children had lice, we’d grab a bottle of lice shampoo from the drugstore and lather their heads well in hopes that would do the trick. But recently, many parents like you and me have begun to wonder what exactly we are rubbing on the head of our family.

Most of these so-called “tried and tested” shampoos are actually insecticides and work by attacking the nervous system of lice. The active ingredients in these products could be toxic to humans if used frequently in the same way. Excessive use has already produced lice that are showing increased resistance to these treatments. Permethrin products are among the most common that experience the greatest resistance.

Over the years, I think I’ve tried just about every way imaginable to get rid of lice (yes, including chemical-based pesticides), but I keep coming back to a simple two-part formula. And the great thing about this formula is that it is completely safe and natural!

No doubt you have heard many stories about home remedies and how they are a great natural alternative to head lice shampoos. But do they really work?

A misunderstood deal is the use of vinegar to kill lice. Vinegar is not actually used to kill lice, but it is nevertheless perfect for helping to dislodge their eggs or “nits” as they are more often known. Nits stick to the hair shaft and can be a real chore to remove. Combing the hair normally doesn’t work and even if you use a special lice comb, it can be difficult to remove all of them.

Through years of trial and error, I found a combination that works very effectively. Mayonnaise to destroy live lice and vinegar to dislodge nits. Finish with a suitable metal tooth comb to remove debris!

Level 1 – Mayonnaise is basically used to suffocate lice. Cover the hair completely with the mayonnaise, cover it with a plastic wrap and leave it on for about 2 hours. This usually kills the lice extremely well and you should then shampoo out as much of the mayonnaise as you can. This may take a few “rinses and repeats” to get it all out!

Internship 2 – Next, you need to pour a mixture of vinegar and water (about 1 part vinegar to 10 parts water) over the hair and make sure it is completely soaked. Be very careful not to get vinegar in the eyes of the infected person. Leave this on for around 30 to 60 minutes and then rinse.

Stage 3 – This final step is equal to or more important than the previous steps. You need to use a special lice comb and carefully comb the hair from the roots to the ends. Separate the hair into sections of 3 to 4 cm and comb it well. After each pass, you should clean the comb with a tissue and soak it in vinegar before continuing with the styling process.

While there is no guarantee that this will work for you, I have found it to be the most successful lice removal system I have ever used. Using mayonnaise to kill lice and vinegar to easily remove nits is by far a safer alternative to those insecticidal shampoos that could put your children’s future health at risk. Before you start spending money on potentially dangerous treatments, why not try something safe and natural that you may already have sitting in one of your kitchen cupboards at home?

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