Building muscle is partly about training hard and creating muscle stimulation through your workouts. The other half is rest and nutrition. In order for your body to build muscle, it needs protein. Protein is the only macronutrient that you can use as building blocks for muscle tissue. Consuming whey protein is a great way to increase your protein intake, but how much should you take?

Whey is just a supplement.

Whey protein is a supplement, so you should use it as such. You should supplement your current diet and protein intake. Whey protein should never replace high-quality, solid protein sources. It should be used to enhance and facilitate protein intake throughout the day.

Whey is pure protein extracted from milk. It contains a good amino acid profile, but it doesn’t have much else to offer. Eat solid sources of protein that contain vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and creatine.

Use it between meals

Most people eat 3 solid meals a day. This is not enough for someone who trains intensely and tries to gain muscle mass. Drink whey protein shakes between meals to increase your daily calorie and protein intake.

This means taking 2-3 shakes per day. Each shake should have 1 tablespoon of whey. If you can cope with 2 tablespoons, add that amount. However, whey is known to cause bloating if too much is taken at one time. One scoop has about 25g of protein, this is a good amount for one meal and you can eat more with your solid meals.

Take it immediately after your workout.

The whey is ideal to consume after an intense workout. It will absorb quickly and be available to your drained muscles much faster than other sources. Its high-quality protein and great amino acid profile will give your muscles the building blocks they need to repair and grow.

eat it for breakfast

Whey protein is a quick and easy option for breakfast. It will give your muscles a quick source of protein in the morning and you can just swallow it and go on with your day. Add fruits and healthy fats to your morning smoothie to boost calories and nutrition.

The total whey intake per day should be around 2 to 4 tablespoons. More than 5 tablespoons per day is not recommended; This all means that you are not eating enough protein and the right foods. Use buttermilk to supplement a great diet and you’ll reap the benefits.

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