Why with low-fat and fat-free foods, does a trip to the beach still show us that people are still getting fatter, getting fatter, and EVEN fatter? The answer lies in all the sugar-laden foods within these low-fat and fat-free foods. They may be low in fat, but they certainly left out the high sugar part!

What is sugar? To understand why sugar makes you fat, we must understand sugar and the functions it plays in our bodies. Sugar is a form of carbohydrate, which is what provides our bodies with energy like fuel for our cars.

The glycemic index Carbohydrates (carbohydrates) can be classified into two types, high GI simple carbohydrates and low GI complex carbohydrates. GI stands for glycemic index, which is the scale that measures how quickly certain carbohydrates are broken down in our body. High GI (higher than 100, glucose) break down faster than low GI carbohydrates.

Low GI carbs are healthier options because they take longer to break down, while high GI carbs, such as soda, break down very quickly.

Why are high-GI carbs bad? High GI carbohydrates cause relatively large insulin spikes in our bodies. Insulin is a hormone in our body that regulates blood sugar. Our blood sugar level must be kept constant because excess sugar in our blood is poisonous. To cope with this huge spike in blood sugar, the body releases an equally huge amount of insulin.

Insulin also has a powerful effect on our body: it stops the fat-burning processes in our body, and it also stores excess blood sugar in the form of fat. With all the fat burning processes in our body stopped and our bodies busy converting blood sugar to fat, of course we are getting fat despite all the fat-free foods!

Insulin resistance Worse still, our bodies can become insulin resistant with too many insulin spikes. Insulin resistance occurs when our body no longer reacts to insulin. The sugar in our bloodstream is toxic to our body and our body’s favorite way to get rid of it is to burn it. Excess sugar that cannot be burned is stored as muscle glycogen and when these glycogen stores are full they are stored as fat. A person who cannot convert excess sugar into glycogen or fat will suffer the poisoning effects of excess sugar in our blood!

it’s not too late We’re not saying that all those sugar-laden low-fat foods are bad and that you shouldn’t eat any at all. What I meant to say is that you should keep this in mind and eat these foods in moderation. Eat lower GI foods like oatmeal, whole wheat bread, etc. Opt for water instead of soda. It is much healthier and will keep your waist down! With that, I wish you all the best in your weight loss goals and healthy living!

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