Eating nutritious food is not an option, it is a necessity for a healthy life. Since the majority of the world’s population suffers from one or more types of nutritional deficiencies, it becomes even more important to ensure that your food has all the essential nutrients in sufficient quantity.

For a healthy and nutritious diet, you need to cook your meals in the healthiest way possible, by choosing healthy ingredients and cooking them in the healthiest way possible. Here are the steps to cook food nutritiously:

Cook over medium heat:

The amount of heat at which the food is cooked largely decides its nutritional outcome. Overcooking it would not only deprive your taste buds of natural flavors, but also destroy delicate nutrients (like complex carbohydrates). Therefore, it is recommended to cook food at medium temperature. It will also prevent it from burning or sticking to the bottom of the pot. Even over medium heat, most cookware made of metal or ceramic (not a natural material) destroys delicate nutrients. Read on to find out how it can be completely prevented.

Wash or rinse food the right way:

Different foods need to be washed differently to preserve their nutrients. In general, for most vegetables, it is recommended to wash them just before cutting so that those water soluble nutrients remain locked in. Avoid soaking vegetables, as that can remove key nutrients, such as vitamin C.

Don’t overcook vegetables:

Overcooking vegetables makes them mushy and they have a fairly bland flavor. It is important to cook them for just the right amount of time so that they do not remain raw or overcooked. Cooking for too long also reduces their nutritional value by breaking down nutrients at the molecular level.

Always use the right cookware, it makes a big difference!

Kitchen utensils make a big difference in the health of your food. Most conventional metal and ceramic cookware makes food unhealthy by contaminating it with reactive metal toxins and destroying nutrients with its strong heat. You can make your food much more nutritious by choosing the right cookware – healthy and non-toxic pure clay pots. Pure clay is naturally inert, so it doesn’t react with food like a biochemical entity, and its unique far-infrared heat keeps nutrients intact.

steam management is another important aspect of healthy cooking. Most of the vapor generated in food is water-soluble nutrients. Of the 13 essential vitamins and minerals, 9 are water-soluble, meaning they dissolve in water, are quickly used by the body, and must be replenished every day; the body does not store them. With conventional cookware, as steam is constantly coming out of the pot, so are water-soluble nutrients, cooked food remains deficient in one more way.

Pure clay pots can be ergonomically designed to naturally and fully harness the goodness of nature, so that the rising steam touches the inner surface of the lid, condenses and falls back into the food instead of coming out of the pot. pot as it happens with metals.

By taking care of these little things, you can ensure that you are cooking your food in the healthiest way possible and that your body is getting all the nutrients it needs.

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