There are many people in the world today who suffer from a rather embarrassing ailment related to their feet in particular. When nails are infected, probably the best thing to do is book an appointment for Long Island Pinpointe laser nail treatment. Long Island Pinpointe laser treatment is very easy and convenient and is available to many people.

The causes of nail infection are many. These are mostly hot and humid conditions similar to those found in tropical countries, but this does not always have to be the cause.

Most men wear synthetic fiber socks and covered shoes all day at work, which can extend into the evening. This is an ideal breeding ground for the fungus. Even tennis shoes or trainers can trap the body’s natural sweat and this creates a perfect condition for foot fungus to invade the nail.

Many people will have yellowish nails that are thick and horny and look absolutely horrible. They will not be able to wear open shoes or go barefoot because of the shame of how the foot looks with these little monsters on the tips of the toes.

Ladies, in particular, may not be able to wear nail polish or may feel too embarrassed to get a pedicure and this may affect their social life to some extent.

Even swimming is a problem for most people and many public or hotel pools would frown on anyone using the pool with infected nails.

What causes nail discoloration and thickening is a very common fungus that gets embedded under the nail. The consequences are that once under the nail, the fungus is very difficult to reach and most topical medications will not work.

Even if the drugs work, they are sometimes toxic to the body’s organs and can cause problems later in life. This type of medicine also takes some time to work and the patient has to endure the discoloration for a long period of time until it heals.

Perhaps the easiest method of curing fungal nail infections is the new light treatment now being offered. A half hour session is usually all that is needed to eliminate the fungus once and for all. It’s usually not painful, maybe just a feeling of warmth, and there’s no anesthesia to worry about.

The light shines directly through the nail to the nail bed where the ‘root’ of the fungus hides. The light kills it and the fungus is completely eliminated. All nails are treated, even those that are not infected, as some fungal spores may lurk unseen.

To avoid future infections, people are advised to wear only natural fibers close to the skin and to ensure that the feet are perfectly dry after playing sports or showering. Foot powders, with antifungal properties, are also a good idea, especially for those who frequent public facilities like health clubs or gyms.

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