How to cure candidiasis or candidiasis? It is a very common question that many people ask. This candidiasis which is made by a species of yeast called Candida albicans It is a very common disease in women. But men and boys are also affected.

The symptoms of candidiasis vary according to the different types of infections. In oral candidiasis or thrush, the most common symptom is a creamy thick white lesion inside the mouth, mainly on the tongue and inside the cheeks. In superficial candidiasis of the skin, there would be a red rash with crenate edges. The symptoms of vaginitis are intense itching, burning, irritation, and discharge of a white curd-like substance.

Normally, our immune system prevents yeast from infecting us, but if the immune system is somehow weakened, the chance of getting a yeast infection increases. So it is very quick and easy to cure candidiasis in the case of a healthy person. But for a person with weakened immunity it can be difficult and time consuming.

There are several medications to cure candidiasis. There are some over-the-counter medications such as tioconazole (vagistat vaginal), miconazole (Monistat-Derm), butoconazole (Femstat), etc.

There are plenty of lotions, pills and troches to cure candidiasis. There are also polyene antifungals such as nystatin and amphotericin B that are very effective. You can use some natural products like tea tree oil and yogart as well to cure your yeast infection.

But before you take any of the drugs, you need to run some diagnostic tests to make sure you really do have a candida infection. A complete gynecological exam is needed to diagnose a vaginal yeast infection. With the help of your doctor and your conscience, it would be very easy to get rid of thrush.

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