As you may already know, your voice often says a lot about you. Like it or not, other people will always use your tone of voice to judge what kind of person you are. Squeaky voices are generally attributed to lack of confidence and shyness, while deep, strong, and sexy voices are always attributed to authority, confidence, and control. That is why more and more people in the world want to learn effective tips on how to deepen their shrill and high-pitched voices and make them more attractive.

But can you really heal a high-pitched voice? Are there any good tips and tricks on how to get rid of a squeaky, shy voice? Of course, you can do something to change the way your voice sounds. Your tone / voice quality is not permanent, as you can see from this voice quality formula: “Voice quality = vocal tract configuration + laryngeal anatomy + learned component”. As you can see, the quality of your voice has something to do with the component learned and if you capitalize on them, you can always get rid of your high-pitched voice and make your voice lower and more attractive.

There are some tips and tricks on how to get rid of a squeaky, shy voice that you can read on the internet. Some of them may work and some of them may not work, however, whatever methods you choose to use, always make the user safe and it will not produce any side effects on their larynx. Here are some of these deep voice training tips that you can use to try to deepen your high-pitched voice.

1- An exercise you can do to get rid of a shrill and shy voice is to croak (not sing) in a very low tone for a moment or two and then speak.

2- A smooth and deep baritone voice can also be achieved through humming. Humming a lot has proven to be an effective method of deep voice training.

3- Also, age will help a bit. Relaxing and doing theater exercises will also help deepen your voice.

4- The deepening of the voice has to do with the origin of the breath. Always speak from your abdomen and not from your nose. Speak with long, deep breaths when you speak.

Now you know some tips on how to get rid of a squeaky, shy voice. There are many more tips and tricks online that can help you.

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