Have you ever seen the 80’s romantic comedy Say Anything? If so, how can you forget that moving scene where Lloyd Dobler holds the ghetto blaster over his head and plays Peter Gabriel’s In Your Eyes below his ex-girlfriend’s window? You may be able to relate to Lloyd’s anguish, but this is not the way to win your love back. Lloyd’s techniques may work well in the fantasy land of Hollywood, but they have absolutely nothing to do with reality. If you want to learn how to get your girlfriend back after a break up, you need to start using real world strategies that actually work.

The most important goal for all men who want to know how to get their girlfriend back after a breakup is to get rid of the whole act of neediness. Women aren’t attracted to clingy and needy men in the first place, so they definitely won’t be interested in these types of men the second time around. Don’t bother doing things a lot of guys do, like call her to tell her how much you miss her, send her flowers, or drive to her house. These things will just drive you away from her. Just by walking away, she may start to wonder why you’re not actively pursuing her. After a while, she’ll probably end up giving in to her urge to pull you back.

There is another foolproof method that you can use if you are worried about how to get your girlfriend back after a breakup. Make her realize that she is not the only fish in the sea. Human nature shows that everyone wants what they cannot have and women are no exception to this fact. So, show her that you have lots of other great options since you broke up with her.

Start dating as many other women as you can and make sure he sees you with them. She will be jealous when she sees you enjoying the company of other women. You can even get to go out with their friends. You may think this would turn her off, but she will surprise you how quickly she decides that she wants you back.

If you want to learn more about methods like these, try connecting with a popular Internet subculture of men known as the “pickup community.” They will offer you more techniques and tips on methods that really work. All these men have the same goal: to learn how to achieve better success with women. Therefore, they can be very useful when you want to get your ex back. They can also refer you to great eBooks like Real World Seduction by Swinggcat and Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo.

To all the guys who are losing sleep over how to get their girlfriend back after a breakup, rest assured. Try to act selfless and just walk away instead of acting needy. Show her how many other women are already interested in your company so she realizes all the other options you have besides her. Follow these steps and you will leave him no choice but to return to you.

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