It is very difficult to recognize an original amber gemstone. This happens because the market is full of various amber knockoffs that confuse buyers.

One of his numerous knockoffs is called ‘Amberdan’. It has properties quite close to the natural jewel. The way to prove originality is when the stone heats up and gives off a certain smell. When the smell smells of a mixture of plastic and amber, it suggests that a natural resin has been mixed with a plastic binder.

Amber is often confused with copal. These two stones are composed of very similar materials with almost identical origins, making it difficult to identify the original amber. The main difference is that while copals are only a few hundred thousand years old, ambers are several million years old.

Another imitation that is on the market is made up of pressed amber, or ‘ambroid’. This is created by fusing smaller pieces of the gem under heat. This can be distinguished from the original gem when examined under a microscope.

Ancient techniques for identifying this gem are still useful today. When vigorously rubbed on a piece of wool, it generates a static charge, which is enough to pick up a small piece of ash. When this gemstone is hot enough, it tends to give off a distinctive odor. These techniques will separate it from plastic imitations but will not distinguish it from copal.

Distinguishing this gem from copal is difficult. They share the same refractive index, specific gravity, and most other properties. However, copal tends to fluoresce whiter than amber under UV light. Therefore, it is a decision that must be made based on having examined a sufficient number of samples to recognize the difference.

If one cannot make the distinction based on fluorescence, then one will have to resort to destructive testing. In an inconspicuous area of ​​the stone, place a drop of acetone. Let it sit for three seconds and then wipe it clean. The copal will have the surface damaged by the acetone, while the amber will show little or no change from the brief exposure.

Another simple method to separate this gemstone from its plastic imitations is with a specific gravity solution. Boil water and add as much salt as you can dissolve in it to create a useful test liquid. Most knockoffs will sink into this solution. This is because few plastics have a density as low as 1.05 and many can be lower than amber if they have air bubbles inside. So if your sample sinks, you can be sure it’s not real. If you float it, you need to determine if it is plastic or amber.

There is another destructive test to separate the real amber from the fake ones. However, it must be done carefully. The best part is that it can be done almost invisibly. Find a place on the stone where a mark is as inconspicuous as possible. This can be on the edge, on the bottom, or in a scratched area. Next, heat the tip of a needle until it glows red. Touch the selected spot enough to release a small puff of smoke. Now smell the smoke. If it is genuine amber, the smell is of fine incense. It is plastic if it is chemical and offensive. This is another reason to do your test on the smallest scale possible!

Another test to discover a fake piece is to identify the inclusions of insects present in the stone. If one finds this stone that has an inclusion of, for example, a modern house fly, this can easily alert him to the fact that the stone may be a fake. This is because the housefly did not exist millions of years ago, which means that the inclusion has been fused into the stone and that the stone is not authentic.

With these tips and techniques, you will find it easier to identify and spot a genuine amber gemstone among counterfeits.

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