How can you increase libido to revive and increase male sex drive naturally, on your own? Is it really possible? The answer to both questions is a resounding yes.

Now that you know it’s possible, you may have a bit of work ahead of you before you successfully reach the stage where you can say you have a strong and healthy libido.

However, for any man with some pride, it is worth making an effort to ensure that his libido is naturally strong and that he has become a virile alpha male once again.

So where do you start? These 5 steps to a powerful and healthy libido should help you reach your goal.

Step 1: eat the right foods

Food is the cornerstone of your existence, the shape of your body, your mind, and your sexual performance.

If you eat poorly, expect to pay for it in some way, sooner or later. If you eat fresh organic food on a daily basis, expect your body to pay you back in the form of rewarding sexual performances.

Eliminate packaged foods, prepared meals, plastic containers, and especially junk food and soft drinks. These are low in nutritional value, can lower testosterone, and increase body fat, putting pressure on the liver and kidneys.

Instead, eat more fresh fish, broccoli, cauliflower, beef, turkey, asparagus, eggs, bananas, nuts, and avocados. Cut back on carbohydrates and eat less at night. Eliminate sodas entirely.

Step 2: Get in a decent physical shape

If you are overweight, if your body is soft, weak, and if you feel sluggish and lethargic, you probably need to do something about it. Over time, the years of eating poorly without enough exercise catch up with you, and weight gain is sometimes very difficult to change.

This is where intense exercise comes in. Focus on short, sharp workouts that burn fat. It is important to avoid long and slow workouts and to go for intensity. Building muscle and circuit training can be of great benefit here. Many men get in shape with programs that help them avoid expensive gym fees.

Step 3: Eliminate Alcohol and Smoking

Both smoking and alcohol can have very detrimental effects on male libido. Many men report that they were able to increase libido simply by abstaining from drinking. Eliminating alcohol or reducing your intake substantially can give the liver a rest, help it flush other toxins from the body, and reduce the body’s workload.

Alcohol also lowers testosterone, a sex hormone necessary for male desire and functional erections. Reducing or eliminating alcohol can increase male libido quickly.

As for smoking, it restricts blood flow and lowers testosterone. Since his penis depends and relies on efficient blood circulation and testosterone to stay erect, smoking is possibly the worst for him.

Step 4: take some natural supplements

To increase libido faster and put your sex drive on the fast track to performance, you can try taking supplements. Sex drive supplements are especially helpful in inducing your body to produce balanced levels of hormones or in increasing your testosterone levels naturally.

Certain testosterone boosters, aphrodisiacs, and male nutritional supplements help produce naturally hard and long-lasting erections to enhance sex. Natural aphrodisiacs help increase desire, pleasure and sensitivity, producing more powerful orgasms and more semen. A quick route to increasing libido is to take a supplement that combines several of these ingredients.

Step 5: Practice

The practice is a way to increase male sex drive naturally by raising testosterone levels. You can come to the brink of orgasm, then hold back and repeat the process several times. This is also known as edging and is an easy and natural way to improve erection strength and duration. It also helps you control your ejaculation.

Other techniques such as penile massage, testicular massage, and optimizing ejaculation frequency are helpful if you need to increase libido further.

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