The vast majority of men are not satisfied with the size of the penis they were born with.

There are men with a too small penis who try to convince themselves that sexual skills are more important than size, but I am sure that if someone offered them the opportunity to enlarge their manhood, they would instantly take advantage of it.

However, even when someone decides to try to increase their size, they usually get discouraged very quickly. Although there are a plethora of male enhancement techniques out there, there are good reasons to be skeptical. For example, hanging weight from your penis can be one of the worst things you can do. Sure, it can sometimes increase in length, but due to overstretching, its girth will likely decrease. In addition, the use of this method can lead to impotence, scarring and deformities. The use of pills is also not recommended. Its effectiveness has never been proven and no one knows exactly what its ingredients are. If you are lucky, they will only be sugar or vitamin pills and will not contain any harmful substances.

The best thing you can do is perform some special penis exercises called jelqs. In fact, they have the ability to increase the blood-holding capacity of the penile chambers and lead to increased growth. Before performing the jelq, you need to wrap your member in a warm towel and leave it for a couple of minutes. This will help you warm up and avoid hurting yourself. After that, you should form an “O” sign with your index finger and thumb and move towards the tip of your penis starting at its base. Repeat the exercise for about 10 minutes every day 5 times a week. Take a break one day a week to allow the tissues to repair themselves.

For this technique to work, you need to take care of your nutrition to improve blood flow. It is the blood flow that is responsible for growth. When more blood fills the penile chamber, it actually forces them to get bigger.

Try to eat more Brazil nuts, dairy products, soybeans and peanuts, because they contain nitric oxide which can dilate blood vessels. Quitting smoking is also a must if you want to enlarge your penis naturally.

To get the best result in the shortest amount of time, you should follow the routine almost every day for at least a few weeks. Most men give up too soon. Don’t make that mistake! Follow a guide that will teach you all the secrets about safe and natural male enhancement.

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