Acid reflux in children is a real cause for concern. It drives us into a frenzy when our children are sick and wrinkled with pain. We suffer as much as they do… but how the hell can we help?

We need to figure out what’s wrong in the first place… and recognizing acid reflux in children can sometimes be tricky, especially if it’s a young child.

If a child complains of tummy ache or chest pain, you should limit it by asking some questions like:

  • Where it hurts?
  • does it burn?
  • Your throat hurts?
  • Is there a bitter taste in the back of the throat?

And so. It’s probably acid indigestion if you report a burning sensation in your chest or solar plexus area, especially if accompanied by an unpleasant taste.

Dose the child with half a teaspoon of ‘Arm and Hammer’ baking soda dissolved in warm water. If the pain goes away, you can be sure it’s heartburn and you can relax a bit… Ordinary heartburn is uncomfortable, but it’s not dangerous. However, you should be alert to other symptoms that indicate a more serious condition, namely GERD.

Symptoms of acid reflux in children

Common symptoms of acid reflux in children:

  1. Chest pain (burning sensation).
  2. Regurgitation after eating, followed by an unpleasant taste in the back of the throat.
  3. Food pickiness or reluctance to eat.
  4. Nausea after dinner.
  5. Throat pain.
  6. Occasional gagging or choking.
  7. wheezing, bronchitis, or asthma
  8. Dry cough accompanied by hoarseness.
  9. Bad sleep patterns.
  10. Excessive drooling, a condition known as ‘water squirting’.
  11. Toothache.
  12. Bad breath.
  13. Bad growth patterns.

If one or more of the above are present, it’s time to introduce some dietary and lifestyle changes…not just for the child, but for the whole family.

Recommended lifestyle changes

  • Replace carbonated drinks with non-carbonated fruit juices.
  • Don’t play games or do strenuous exercise for an hour after eating.
  • Serve smaller meals and include a decent mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack in your daily diet.
  • Serve dinner at least three hours before bedtime.
  • Make sure they drink plenty of bottled water.
  • There is no water during meals.
  • No chocolate or mint.
  • Elevate the head of the child’s bed by placing 6-inch-high blocks or bricks under the feet.

What if heartburn persists?

If heartburn persists or worsens after making these changes, your child may have GERD and you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

Also, a follow-up visit to the dentist is a must. Acid reflux can sometimes cause loss of tooth enamel.

Specialized treatment is absolutely essential for the small percentage of infants and young children who develop GERD. These infants and young children are prone to other serious illnesses if the condition is not treated, such as:

  • Damage to the lungs. If gastric juices enter the trachea, problems such as bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma are sure to follow. In the worst case, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) could occur.
  • Esophagitis. Gastric acid continually splashing up the walls of the feeding tube causes inflammation that could lead to esophagitis. If left untreated, esophagitis becomes extremely painful, making it almost impossible for the child to swallow. Ulcers soon appear in the feeding duct… followed by scarring. These scars wrinkle and shrink the walls of the esophagus, causing it to narrow. These strictures can block the esophagus and prevent food from reaching the stomach. If an ulcer ruptures, it could cause life-threatening internal bleeding… Watch out for black or bloody stools.
  • Barrett’s esophagus is a fairly rare condition that occurs in a small percentage of patients. However, this condition is dangerous! If left untreated, it could lead to a deadly form of cancer.

Your doctor may prescribe a proton pump inhibitor or H2 blocker to control acid production. This may be necessary to allow the injured esophagus to heal.

Make sure your child does not take these medications for more than 8 weeks without further evaluation.

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