The seasons are a boon to civilization. We move around the world and experience the warmth of tropical summers, chilly winters, or the fall of autumn breezes and leaves. it looks very beautiful. Some countries have super hot sun or extreme torrential rains that leave them soggy and overgrown. If you live in a hot and humid country, this is how you can beat those scorching summer rays.


Young people love coffee. It is a personal statement as I am a huge fan of black coffee. It helps me dial during long working hours. But excess of everything is bad. The consumption of anything good should also be limited. Caffeine is a natural energy booster, and it works wonders when you’re planning a marathon or workout. However, too much caffeine causes constipation, anxiety and dehydration. You can have 1 or 2 cups, but drink plenty of water after that. That will balance your digestion.


Black kills fat. Sweating is the main goal during training and the myths are that black attracts and exudes more perspiration as it absorbs the sun’s rays. It’s a diplomatic statement, and you can try it if you want. I have seen most gym goers wear black to kill fat. If you’re working outside, wear a light-colored sweatshirt or light-weight T-shirt. If you are going to run by the sea, you can wear a white cardigan if it is winter or something breathable. Any color is good. I prefer blue or white. It all depends on your training techniques.


Water is a mortal combat in your fat. Believe it or not, consuming 8 to 10 glasses of warm or regular filtered water can help you stay fit and increase your longevity. You should drink at least 500ml of water 1 hour before training and 600-700ml as soon as the cool down session is over. In between, if you feel thirsty drink 1 glass but at a slow pace.


Online gym trainers show you a 3 or 5 minute intense workout routine to burn fat. At least 8 to 10 exercises are shown to melt away that stubborn fat in a fast way. It is good for us even if you are vigilant about your body type and stamina. Being healthy would show more results from your training efforts and not straining. So if you’re working out at the gym, take a 25-30 second break before starting your next piece of equipment. If you’re doing the V-bike at a heavy level, take a 30-second break before starting the elliptical or treadmill. It would relax the muscles and the breath. Do not be in a hurry to finish off and think about a slim waist. It doesn’t happen in a day. The fact is that when you heat for 15 minutes, your carbs start to burn. Then when the actual workout starts, your calories start to burn. Do it for 45 to 50 minutes and 2 months later you will feel the difference.

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